Edge display


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2011
Just wondering what uses people have for their edge displays? I use mine for my most used apps/ core Google apps, and the people edge screen.
I haven't done anything with mine yet. But I do pull up that smart select often. I love that-was a great feature on my V20
Acts like the s pen you can select an area and save it. You can extract text from things like ups shipping labels too
Just wondering what uses people have for their edge displays? I use mine for my most used apps/ core Google apps, and the people edge screen.
I use both the Calculator app and the Clock apps, but don't like having them on one of my home screens b/c I hate the clutter. I keep those on my Edge panel, and also the Smart Select. I don't use any other of the Edge stuff right now. I spent time setting the Edge panels up on my Note 7, but only used the 2 things I mentioned above.
I have some apps there but not in a habit of using the edge. Probably I'll just turn off.
There is a 99 cent app in the Samsung App Store called Bookmarks Edge. Let's you assign Bookmarks and even which browser to use. I use that, and the smart select.
I use five. People, calendar, reminders, smart select and apps. I cleared out my dock and have those apps in the edge
I use apps, people, sports, weather, calculator, and quick tools
I'm trying and playing around with the sports edge options but I just feel as though it doesn't give me anymore information than my ok Google page provides. It does look a lot prettier though.
I turned mine off. As much as I want to use it.. I know I won't.
To me, it's like the task bar of a Windows PC.
I use it for the Device Maintenance panel for clearing the cache and shutting down background apps.

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