Event marker app?

Dave Cook

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Dec 27, 2012
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I work in an environment where I am busy doing things and not easily able to write down what I did and at what time, but at the end of that work period I have to document as accurately as possible the what and when.

So I am trying to find an app where I could just tap the screen of my watch or phone, have a short list menu pop up, and press the icon I want, the app would then mark down what time I pressed that icon and keep a running track of those events.

I have been unable to locate anything like this (and the menu would have to be user customizable) and I do not have the know how to write my own app.

Anyone have a suggestion? Thanks in advance.


Retired Moderator
Feb 12, 2012
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You'd probably have to write one. Even using Tasker, while it's not a very difficult job, it's not trivial either.

You might want to consider a voice recorder app, with an icon on the screen. Just tap that, record "job x 10:15 AM", turn it off. Then at the end of the day, play the recording back and log your day into whatever you use.