Extended Battery for N910A (unlocked ATT)


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Mar 4, 2016
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Hello.This is my first post. To begin with, thank you for having me as a member.

My question is: What is the point in buying such a great, overpowered piece of equipment like the Note 4, if we're just going to turn off the majority of cool features (that we bought it for...) so we can get a little more 'up time?'

I bought an N910A on February 9th. I had read that the 3220 mAh battery gave the Note 4 GREAT battery run time! Well, uhm, not so much, at least for me. I immediately thought that it might improve after an initial 'break-in' period but again, no such luck. I think that with modern batteries, the 'break-in' period really doesn't matter much. Still, just in case, I charged battery until the phone told me to disconnect. I ran it down to 15% power, then rinse and repeat.

I use Battery Doctor, Clean Master, and Greenify, individually and together. I use the built-in Power Saving mode, wiped my cache partition, and adjusted settings on everything from email sync to animation scale and everything in-between. I've disabled all the ATT bloatware I could. I have literally used ALL the power-saving suggestions from EVERY post I could find on EVERY board I could find.

I DID increase the battery hang time, but not nearly by as much as I had hoped. Remember, all the reviews I read before buying this beast said how GOOD the battery life was? I am so disillusioned! :'(

So, I ordered a replacement 5400 mAh battery. They make bigger replacements, but one reason I bought the Note 4 is for it's slim figure, and the battery I ordered is the same physical size as the original 3220 mAh Samsung item. It's coming from a company in California, and there doesn't seem to be any brand name. It is a Lithium Ion battery, and claims to have an integrated microchip to "protect from overcharging and lengthen battery life." So obviously, I'm hoping for the best.

If you have tried aftermarket replacement batteries, would you please chime in and tell us about your experiences? If you could share the size, type, brand (or generic), and any other pertinent information, I am sure quite a few of us would be grateful. I know I will. :D

Thank You.
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Well-known member
May 17, 2010
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I'm always leary of aftermarket batteries and chargers. Especially "no-name" ones.
Another thing to consider, is that there is a limit to how much energy a certain technology can fit into a space. So a "larger" capacity battery that's physically the same size, is either not really a larger capacity, or has made other sacrifices to gain that capacity.


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Jun 1, 2010
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Also you have added 3 apps that will use aditional power.
Ive read on other threads that people say you dont need clean master as android does a good job of monitoring its own memory.
Any battery apps you add will use power, so not sure you really need them.
I my self recently got rid of 3 widgets and and now have about 15% better battery performance daily. While not huge it was noticeable.


Well-known member
May 17, 2010
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Also you have added 3 apps that will use aditional power.
Ive read on other threads that people say you dont need clean master as android does a good job of monitoring its own memory.
Any battery apps you add will use power, so not sure you really need them.
I my self recently got rid of 3 widgets and and now have about 15% better battery performance daily. While not huge it was noticeable.

I completely glanced over that part. Let Android do it's thing as far as memory and power management goes.
If you're really looking to increase life (and speed for that matter), pick up Package Disabler Pro. It costs a couple dollars, but it will let you completely disable apps on your phone so that they don't run even as services in the background. No root needed, and it does a fantastic job. I take my phone off the charger at 8pm, and usually have about 40% life when I get home from work at 8:30am. Granted, I'm not on calls all night, but I do use it for music all night, as well as jotting down machine names and locations when I have to go to the bays to take care of a system. ~2hrs screen on time.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2015
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Like the others have mentioned, get rid of those "battery saving" apps.

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