Fascinate stock build number


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Oct 31, 2010
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I am new in this forum. I have a few questions. I have been reading this forum but can not seem to find any concrete answers.
1. What is the stock build number for an unrooted stock device? I keep seeing all this build numbers and I do not know which is which. What do all the different numbers and letters mean?
2. Is the 2.2 build an official build, if not, are there bugs?
3. I just bought the device off someone, if it is rooted with a custom build, what is the best way to get back to stock on Ubuntu?

I have been looking but could not find any concrete answers.

Kevin Gossett

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Sep 9, 2010
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When it first came out, the build was DH12, then was updated shortly after that to DI01. In mid January, DL09 rolled out via OTA, but was leaked long before that unofficially. DJ05 was also leaked, before DL09, but was never released publicly, although most people say the two are nearly identical. Recently, EA28 was pushed out to correct a bug from DL09 that involved the e911 emergency calling from the lock screen. That is the latest official build.

DL30 was the first leaked version of 2.2, which was an unfinished build with several bugs in it. Finally, EB01 is the latest leaked build of 2.2, which some speculate to be the official version that will get pushed out later this month.

To check your build/baseband, go to Menu>Settings>About phone.

You can check the rooting/ROMs/hacks forum for returning to stock. The easiest way is using one of the all-in-one packages for Odin, either DI01 or DL09
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Well-known member
Nov 6, 2009
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yeah, EA28 is the latest official eclair build. As for the letters I remember seeing somewhere that it was basically in the form of [year][month][day] where

2011 E
2010 D

Jan- A
Feb- B
Mar- C
April- D
May- E
June- F
July- G
Aug- H
Sept- I
Nov- K
Dec- L

so EA28 would be from Jan 28, 2011


Well-known member
Feb 13, 2011
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That explains alot I just got my wife a Fascinate a day or two ago and all the build numbers were confusing me too. I am a new user to the forum As if it didn't show, lol. This is the first Android device in the household with more to follow in the next month or so (really looking at Thunderbolt). Getting back on track, it is really looking like rooting is the way to go just to get all of the things that are not needed off.


Well-known member
Dec 22, 2010
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Yea rodney you are on the latest ota build the eb01 and DL30 are both builds that you have to do your self they are not from verizon. The EA28 is the latest Verizon update.
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Well-known member
Oct 31, 2010
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OK so should I move to one of those builds? Again, I came from the INC. So I am new to this forum but things seem a lot more complicated with the fascinate.


Well-known member
Nov 6, 2009
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It's your choice. Depends on how badly you want Froyo. I've been running EB01 since it was leaked on the forums and haven't had any problems. You should find everything you need in the thread in the Rooting, Roms, Hacks section.


Sep 19, 2011
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so if I understand this correctly....

in order for me to flash a new rom onto my fascinate 2.1 that has the EA28 update, I cannot flash a rom that is made for 2.1 with DL09 or DJ05, that sort of thing, correct.???

I rooted my phone successfully ((((fascinate 2.1 -update1 EA28 build)))
but when using "ROM Manager" to download a new ROM; (I tried the "SONOFSKYWALKER3 BLACK HOLE" so far) when I click to download the new ROM the screen goes mostly black and 4 hours later it is still black. So I decided to be cautious and not go any further.
I am asking you guys in the know now, What options do I have in downloading a new ROM if my
current fascinate is android 2.1-update1 with EA28 build.
kernel 2.6.29 ?

this is my first at all this, I read so many forums and some of all this seem contradictory.


Well-known member
Jan 11, 2011
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so if I understand this correctly....

in order for me to flash a new rom onto my fascinate 2.1 that has the EA28 update, I cannot flash a rom that is made for 2.1 with DL09 or DJ05, that sort of thing, correct.???

I rooted my phone successfully ((((fascinate 2.1 -update1 EA28 build)))
but when using "ROM Manager" to download a new ROM; (I tried the "SONOFSKYWALKER3 BLACK HOLE" so far) when I click to download the new ROM the screen goes mostly black and 4 hours later it is still black. So I decided to be cautious and not go any further.
I am asking you guys in the know now, What options do I have in downloading a new ROM if my
current fascinate is android 2.1-update1 with EA28 build.
kernel 2.6.29 ?

this is my first at all this, I read so many forums and some of all this seem contradictory.

EA28 is no longer the most current stock build. The most current stock build should be ED05 and your kernel should be 2.6.32. Before you do anything else, hit the menu button (lower left of the phone), then go settings=>about phone=>status and check for updates. You should receive the OTA update to ED05 which is the most recent build. And forget about rom manager, it does not work for the Fascinate. If you want to root your phone and flash a custom ROM onto it, check out the stickies in the Rooting, ROMs, and Hacks section.


Well-known member
Jan 11, 2011
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I did the update like you say just before rooting my phone and it says EA28....what to do?

When did you update it and when did you root it? Depending on when you did the update, EA28 may have been the most current official build. Right now though, ED05 is the most current official build. Also after you rooted, did you remove or freeze any programs or apps? If so, that may be blocking your ability to receive the update.

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