First impressions and Hands-on reviews go here! :)


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2011
also coming from an EVO, having a very hard time adjusting to stock vanilla Android over Sense UI from HTC on the EVO.

The E-mail client ...dialer ...contacts ...calendar ...totally blow compared to the EVO. These apps on the Nexus feels like from Android 1.5 or something from 3 years ago.

The screen on my Nexus does not seem as good as my many friends who have the T-Mobile Vibrant which is supposed to use exact same tech?

Outdoors this phone screen tougher to see than my EVO.

But I do like tgr thinner and lightweight feel to this phone. my evo felt like a heavy brick sometimes in my pocket. and the battery life is better on tgr nexus compared to evo but not night and day just a little better.

I am still on the fence on keeping this phone. need few more days to decide.


May 18, 2010
The Nexus S 4g is my first smart phone, but I have been learning about android since Eclair was new. I did not want to buy a smart phone until it had everything that I wanted and the first phone that did that is the Nexus S. The first thing thing that most people will notice is the screen. The Super AMOLED screen is very sharp and vivid. My battery has been holding up well under heavy use for 8 -10 hours without turning off all of wifi, bluetooth, 4g, etc. While it does not have a new dual core processor I have not seen it get laggy yet. The best part for me is the vanilla android that I can customize or keep as bare as I want without having to wait for updates. So far I have not found anything to complain about yet.


May 16, 2010
I got my Nexus S this afternoon and have been getting accustomed to the Android OS, having switched from a BlackBerry which I used for years. I am loving it so far and will see what my battery life is really like in the next couple of days.


Well-known member
Nov 22, 2010
also coming from an EVO, having a very hard time adjusting to stock vanilla Android over Sense UI from HTC on the EVO.

The E-mail client ...dialer ...contacts ...calendar ...totally blow compared to the EVO. These apps on the Nexus feels like from Android 1.5 or something from 3 years ago.

The screen on my Nexus does not seem as good as my many friends who have the T-Mobile Vibrant which is supposed to use exact same tech?

Outdoors this phone screen tougher to see than my EVO.

Beauty of this phone is its a blank slate running latest and greatest from Google. For me the biggest selling point was lack of bloat. Some people do miss it though. I used Hero and then I had evo for a week and I couldn't stand the Sense crap on the phone.

With a bit of research you can replicate most of the sense stuff. There are email clients, dialers, contact apps and calendars available. You can even install HTC keyboard if u like it. I use Jorte for calendar and it works great. For email I use gmail native client and don't have any accounts that are not google.

Screen on my phone is working fine and looks just as good as it did on the evo. Battery life is definitely better than Evo

If you are into Sense UI then you might be better of using Evo and waiting for Evo 3d


New member
Jan 11, 2011
I'm new to the forums, but just wanted to throw in my two cents. Got the NS4G for about a week now, coming from the Epic 4G. Yes, the lack of a LED notification light is a bit annoying, but NoLED fixed that and to be honest it doesn't really bother me that much. I always turn on the phone to check my messages anyway. The phone does fly, I don't know where you guys are getting lag from. The accelarometer is fast and responsive, unlike the Epic where it sometimes took a bit for it to register. I had one screen freeze when I first installed NoLED, but once I corrected the setting, that went away. Vanilla Android is so much faster than TouchWiz or Sense and the build quality isn't as bad as all the reviews have been. It feels pretty solid in my hand. Obviously not HTC solid, but great for Samsung.


Well-known member
Mar 2, 2011
I would checkout Dolphin Browser Mini or HD or Miren Browser if you are looking for a better alternative. I have used both and like them equally. Huge step up from stock.

i'm using dolphin hd and i like except everytime i exit i get a popup asking if i want to clear history and cache. i've made setting changes to not confirm on exit but i still get the pop up - any ideas?


Well-known member
Nov 22, 2010
next step would be to clear data from the app but that will wipe out all of your dolphin related settings


Well-known member
May 16, 2011
When I first held the phone at a Sprint store, I was amazed how light it was compared to all the other Android phones available at Sprint with 4G. I decided to do my homework and got a good price for my Nexus S ($100 each).

DAY 1 (5/17/2011):
So I picked up the phone at Best Buy Mobile and was very excited. Brought it into the car and didn't really do anything yet but sync up the Google accounts to the Nexi. Took a picture on the way out from the mall and was pleased by the quality. Don't have anything on video yet. Got home and activated the Nexi. Did some things to the Nexi (installed apps, etc, etc) before going to sleep.
DAY 2: (5/18/2011)
The night before I set up an alarm time for the Nexus. Its not that loud but it was loud enough to wake me up. Unplugged it at around 7:00 and had about 95% battery. Went to school and listened to Pandora while riding on the bus. At school I noticed that the signal for 3G went down dramatically to around 1 bar. Pandora took a little longer to buffer new tracks. Throughout the school day, I used about 3 hours of listening time total on Pandora and I also did some light browsing and downloaded 2 apps on 3G. Around 14:40, my battery was at 25%. I continued to listen to Pandora while walking home. When I got home at around 15:20 the battery was about 10%. Continued to use Pandora without doing anything and the battery finally went "dead" at 16:30. Thats around 9 hours of battery with heavy Pandora listening, moderate texting, light browsing, 2 app downloads, and checking the time frequently.

Battery Life
"Power" of the hardware
The hardware itself
Feels good in the hand and pocket

Poor signal (Update soon?)
Capacitive Touch Buttons are hard to see in the sunlight
No sync to your facebook contacts without additional apps

My first Android phone I ever used. Very great feeling to it and also great battery life for a smart phone. I would recommend this phone to anyone who is is new to the Android "scene". Good first impression for the OS in general.

My personal rating... 9/10


Well-known member
Mar 2, 2011
regarding Dolphin HD pop up on exit -

i contacted the developer. you should exit via menu and exit - not the back button as i was doing. exiting via the back button gives this warning message. this is by design the developer said to prevent 'accidental data loss'.


May 7, 2011
When I first held the phone at a Sprint store, I was amazed how light it was compared to all the other Android phones available at Sprint with 4G. I decided to do my homework and got a good price for my Nexus S ($100 each).

How did you get the phones for $100 each??


Well-known member
May 16, 2011
When I first held the phone at a Sprint store, I was amazed how light it was compared to all the other Android phones available at Sprint with 4G. I decided to do my homework and got a good price for my Nexus S ($100 each).

How did you get the phones for $100 each??

If you live close to the Mall Of America, they are doing a sale on all mobile phones. If your a brand new customer to a carrier, they take $50 extra off with a two year contract. I got a pretty sweet deal for my Nexi :D


Well-known member
May 8, 2011
Battery life was not really good at first I was getting 8-10hrs on heavy to medium usage. Did a factory restore and full discharge recharge two days in a row and have been pleasantly suprised. Battery life has doubled now. 16+ hrs yesterday on medium usage browsing phone calls text messaging all day. And still had 30% left when I made it home after 11pm. The day before 12+ hr's with heavy usage. Streaming from tune in radio. Mp3 player all day, browsing email txt messaging.


Active member
Jan 12, 2011
I've had the phone for three days now, and coming from the Evo, I must say it is nice overall. I miss the screen size, and I am aggravated by the mix of the capacitive touch buttons on the bottom, but other than that, it's a complete win! The display is an upgrade, and the battery is great for an android device. The curve shape feels more comfortable when talking, and the phone has handled everything I've thrown at it so far. My biggest anticipation is the support that this phone will receive. The Evo was supported very well, but seeing as the Nexus ONE is still getting updates, this phone should have a long track record to come.


Well-known member
Feb 17, 2010
I like my Nexus S 4G. It is slightly better than my EVO. The screen and GPU are much better and I love Gingerbread. Any other issues should be fixed with updates, just like we had to endure with the EVO in the beginning. The Nexus S 4G is the phone to have.

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