Fleeing the sinking webOS ship

I'm using landscape slider now with OG Samsung Epic 4g. It's a personal preference so you have to try them and weight your options. I use both swype and the kb based on the occasion.

Lots of good advice already so my advice is this. Use the Sprint try-before-buy option. Open a new line, take home and put it thru the ringer to learn what Android can do for you. Have patience with an open mind. Swap it for another phone to compare form factor. You have 30 days with the new line.

Return the phone before 30 days are up. Now you can upgrade your Pre to the phone best meet your need. You also have 30 days to change your mind and swap for another phone. Take full advantage of your options.

If you can wait, wait for the announcement of the Samsung Galaxy S II variant so it can be included in your hands-on trial.

Good luck.
. . .
On the other hand, webOS backup options are better. Google only remembers the apps you actually paid for, you have to remember the other ones yourself or get something like Titanium Backup (which requires root - however, it is good).
. . .Also, the notifications are weak. I really don't care that they take up an ounce of space at the top, you can't even change the track from a notification or swipe one away and leave the others (unless you get the latest cyanogenmod). . .
I do not like the way Android handles multitasking. Blah blah, you don't have to see the cards, Android does it for you, yeah, it does and it does a crap job, too.
Responses from a new photon user:

Backups suck here. I am looking for a solution that doesn't require root.

Notifications are okay. The photon allows you to dismiss them separately. The email notifications I get (from k9) tell me who an email is from. It's annoying that going into email isn't enough to clear the notifications, but I can live with it.

And I completely agree re the android multitasking. I preferred "too many cards". At least I could decide what to keep open.
I've had the same reaction as the OP. I had the orignal, launch-day Pre from Sprint. I switched to an Epic, mid-february and it's ben nice not feeling like a third-class citizen since the switch. I think WebOS has a lot going for it too bad it was never really sold.

Something that might help with getting the look and feel of WebOS multi-tasking...I noted in a previous posting that...

You can make things more Pre/WebOS-like with Virtual Task Switcher or Itching Thumb as mentioned in http://forums.androidcentral.com/general-help-how/33254-palm-webos-homebrewers-guide-android.html

I've tried both but have been determined not to take up resources with "extras". Of the two I like Itching Thumb a little better. I did, however, snag Wave Launcher when it was free on Amazon a little while back. I've gotten used to Android but there are occations when WebOS really shines over Android.
Responses from a new photon user:

Backups suck here. I am looking for a solution that doesn't require root.

Notifications are okay. The photon allows you to dismiss them separately. The email notifications I get (from k9) tell me who an email is from. It's annoying that going into email isn't enough to clear the notifications, but I can live with it.

And I completely agree re the android multitasking. I preferred "too many cards". At least I could decide what to keep open.

Contrary to prior belief, backups are ok, and don't require root access.

Most backups, for our pertinent data, can be done via many apps which sync to, for example, Outlook, including sms and such. It's not a native app, but it's free. And you don't have to have outlook, as it will synch to it's native self.

Notifications, once you understand how they work, and how to manipulate them, seem to work quite well.

One thing people have to understand, It's not a palm, it's not a crackberry, and it's not an iPhone. It's Android. And thus, things will require a learning curve. It's normal for folks to complain coming from a different OS.

What other option is there? Palm is dead. RIP to an innovative gadget years ago. Rim, is flopping on the ground. iPhone? Well, it's in shallow waters, and the water is evaporating.

As far as phone backup, you can do this through recovery.
Get an epic its a great phone with physical keyboard, and it's about to get gingerbread. If you can wait then I'm sure sprint will come with a newer version. I personally think the evo 3D is the best phone i've ever had. Treo700/palm pre /epic /evo3d. I too was on the physical keyboard wagon but ended up trading my epic in. I found i was using the virtually keypad more then the physical. With phones as big as they are its not so bad.
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Contrary to prior belief, backups are ok, and don't require root access.

As far as phone backup, you can do this through recovery.
Could you elaborate? I believe that there are third party apps to do the job, but I don't know what they are. And the default stuff is almost nothing. It took me many hours to restore my phone by hand after swapping it for a new unit at Sprint. I just fixed another stupid little item 5 minutes ago.

Any help with a proper backup strategy would be appreciated.
Contrary to prior belief, backups are ok, and don't require root access.

Most backups, for our pertinent data, can be done via many apps which sync to, for example, Outlook, including sms and such. It's not a native app, but it's free. And you don't have to have outlook, as it will synch to it's native self.

Notifications, once you understand how they work, and how to manipulate them, seem to work quite well.

One thing people have to understand, It's not a palm, it's not a crackberry, and it's not an iPhone. It's Android. And thus, things will require a learning curve. It's normal for folks to complain coming from a different OS.

What other option is there? Palm is dead. RIP to an innovative gadget years ago. Rim, is flopping on the ground. iPhone? Well, it's in shallow waters, and the water is evaporating.

As far as phone backup, you can do this through recovery.

There are some apps that you let you backup the app yourself, but there's nothing to backup that you even had the app installed in the first place unless the app was paid for. It seems odd when the Android Market seems to run on a "try with ads until/if you want to buy" system. If there is an alternative, please DO elaborate.

As for what other options there are, is there really a point to this question? Because the only other real option now is iOS, we're not allowed to have criticisms of Android? Trust me, I'd already realized Android was my only other option (I'll never go back to iOS and Windows Phone has the danger of turning into another webOS) before HP dropped us as I've already switched, but there are still some things I don't like about it that have nothing to do with a learning curve - learning to do it differently doesn't mean one has to like it. The notifications really are inferior to a lot of what was capable with webOS...with webOS, you could manage entire applications via the notifications. I had a daily task manager app that was pretty brilliant in that regard. Yes, Android notifications work well for what they are, but they don't get a whole lot done. That is not to say there aren't large portions of Android that are superior to webOS, just in this one instance, Android is inferior (imh-webos-o).
I just made the jump a few weeks ago, after my 12th Pre failed. Love the OS, but Sprint was never going to get a shot at improved hardware, so it was a matter of time. Now, I lucked out... I have 15 years with Sprint and helped them understand that a Blackberry or a Pixi are not comparable to a Pre. So they gave me an HTC EVO Shift.

While some will refer to it as the EVO's little brother, it really isn't. Even with an 800mhz processor, it is quite fast, definitely faster than the Pre, and benchmarks faster than the EVO 1.

There were a few other real selling points for me:

1) hardware keyboard. I tried the soft keyboards. Only the true iPhone keyboard is close enough that I MIGHT getg used to it. But, a soft keyboard would only prompt me to figure out the voice to text function faster. Even a horizontal slider is better to me than a touch (and I do use the touch screen).

2). Size. I'm just not sold on the oversized devices with 4.3" displays. I looked at some of the Android tablets, and they aren't much larger than the EVO or Photon. Or is it, the phones aren't much smaller than the tablets? No matter... I have an iPad that goes with me almost everywhere. I want a phone that fits in my hand and my pocket.

2) the EVO Shift has the best performance record of any Sprint phone and possibly in the industry. Sprint makes a portion of hardwared revenue based upon repairs. The Shifts are not failing, so they are making very few repairs and have very few refurbs available. My BIL works for Sprint and was in the "we're losing money on the Shift because it's not failing," briefing. Plus, my SIL has one, and she is death to phones (drops them all the time). She's dropped it in the sink, down a flight of stairs. Still works, nary a scratch, and no case.

After over two years with a phone made of eggshell, that stops working when you look at it, a workhorse, that is hard to kill, is worth more to me than all the dual-core processors and oversized, super-amoled or 3D displays in the world.

I still have my upgrade in case the iPhone comes to Sprint in the fall. I know, blasphemy. But, the iPhone marries better to my iPad. And, jailbreaking and customizing an iPhone is almost as easy as turning on developer mode and installing Preware is on the Pre. Android depends upon root solutions, often very complicated ones, specific to each version of Android and each particular phone. But, in the mean time, even though I can't root it, I'm quite happy where I am, with a phone as pocketable as the Pre, with a good performance record, and a supported OS.

So, my vote is for the EVO Shift. And, if you read the phone forums, you will find a number of folks who gave up the EVO proper, and the Galaxy S, in favor of the Shift, and are quite happy.

Good luck in your search my former WebOS brother

Hey all,

As most of you no doubt know, HP has basically given up on webOS. As a webOS user from launch week (Still using my launch week Sprint Pre 1 and it's in fair condition too!) I'm feeling betrayed, angry and hurt. I've invested alot both financially and emotionally into the webOS platform and it's just been murdered in front of my eyes.

I'm working through that pain, but since I've been holding on to an ever-aging phone and have had a massive upgrade discount sitting out there waiting for the Pre3 that never appeared, I'm looking to move on to something supported. As a Sprint customer my only choices are Android, BB, or dumb phone.

Since I'm not about to hitch my wagon to yet another dying platform, BB is out. I'm not really sure I want to just give up on smartphones altogether, so I'm thinking Android. but I have a few questions, and hopefully you all can help me out.

1. Recommended Sprint phone choices? I am leaning towards the HTC Evo 3D, but I really love physical keyboards (NOT a fan of virtual keyboards at all) so I'm not really sure about the 3D. Maybe the Evo with the slider? Not sure. Hopefully you all can make some good recommendations.

2. Transitioning from webOS to Android. I know there are a few of you that have done it already, hopefully you can help me avoid some pitfalls.
a. Is there an Android equivalent to webOS Synergy?
b. Moving data/contacts etc. How easy was the actual transition?
c. UI options. I've heard the "Sense" UI is good, but that some of the homebrew ones are even better. Suggestions?
d. Anything else you can suggest to make it easier.

Obviously there are those that will blindly cling to the idea of webOS being licensed out to some handset maker, but I'm done waiting and hoping. It's time to move on. Please help me make the transition with as little pain as possible, I can't handle any more phone-related emotional trauma.
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There are plenty of backup solutions, without root but you have to look for them. One is my back up pro.

OP if it were me I'd wait for Sammy's announcement on 8/29. The latest rumor is Sprint will be getting the new Galaxy S2 on 9/9.

Sent from my Photon
I came from BB and was terrified of leaving a physical keyboard. But I saw the writing on the wall and knew that BB stagnant. I kept seeing all the neat phones with bigger screens, apps galore, and super fast. I made the switch and have never regretted doing so. Swype took some time to learn but once you do it is just as easy. I do not miss the physical keyboard one bit. Below are 2 links, 1 video with some helpful info. As others have mentioned there are plenty of people here to help!
Link 1:Google Sync for your phone
Link 2: This has very useful info.
Well, it seems there are requests for a "Back-up" strategy. The problem, is that every user has their own way, using the apps they feel most comfortable with. There will be a thousand opinions, none better than others.

Backing up your phone, is like backing up your PC. 2 words come to mind, Procrastination and Hindsight. Procrastination, when you keep telling yourself "yeah, I'll back things up next week", and then when disaster strikes Hindsight " Yeah, I wish I would've backed things up last week".

Doing regular backups, requires discipline. Short and simple.

Sooo... First off, a phone backup. This should be accomplished every time you install a "pushed" update. If you haven't done a backup yet, I suggest you do one. Then, after you successfully install an OS update, do another one. Here's why. Sometimes carriers push an update, which is a "dud" for lack of better terms. Buggy code to say the least. If you didn't do a backup for a long long time, the only thing you'll restore, is to a version maybe a year old. And with no way to get it back to the version you had prior to the update. (those interim updates don't exist anymore).

Next, are your contacts. Yeah, we can sync with Google, but for those who just don't want Google to have all our info in the so called "Cloud", we choose to backup to our PC. Lots of apps do this, but I prefer MyPhoneExplorer to do this. It backs up to my pc running a client app. Contacts, sms, calender and such. Also, it syncs with Outlook 2003/2007 or it's own native app. And it doesn't require root access.

Next up, is your SD card. We all have an extra SD laying around, usually the 4gb one that comes with the phone. Of course, we usually go out and buy a much larger one. These things fail. More often than you know. Also, the file system can become corrupted. So while you're connected via usb to your backup to pc, why not copy the contents of your sd to a folder on your PC?

Finally, we get to apps. It's a pity the Market doesn't remember the free apps we downloaded. But then again, it's incentive to pay for the "paid" version. I think we all can sacrifice our daily Starbucks Mochaallacapachinefrothywonderdelight every now and then, and actually pay for a couple of the apps we use. The Dev's certainly appreciate it, and they'll continue to improve their apps.

But herin lies a problem. To root or not to root? Granted, if you have a rooted phone, your choice of apk backup apps greatly increase. However, there are a couple that do not require root access. I believe one of the previous posters mentioned MyBackUpPro. Personally, I'm rooted, so I use SuperManager to backup my apk's to SD, although there are many programs doing the same thing. Typically I use an apk installer to reinstall the apps. Either that, or it gives me a good reason to goto the restraunt and use free Wifi :D

Not to mention, it's a good time to clean out the phone of useless apps :D

In a nutshell, backing up requires discipline. And a lot of experimenting with apps to find the one that suits your needs.

Speaking of,,,, it's time for my weekly backup.
I moved from webOS to Android, going from Pre to EVO to Nexus S. My wife describes my Nexus as a cross between a Pre and EVO. I like or quite a bit.

I also came from a launch day Sprint Pre -- the first one. I held out on switching over to Android until last month when it became more and clear that HP was not going to ever make good on its promises. I chose the Nexus
S because it is the only true flagship developer phone for the Android platform. I thought that I might miss the cards and notifications that I loved on Pre. But, I have to gush that I could not have been more pleasantly surprised! Nexus S, or if you can hold out till Oct/Nov Nexus Prime are the only two devices that I would recommend to a webOS die-hard like yourself. There are many reasons for this, but part is that the Nexus line devices are pure vanilla Google (read NO bloatwear),they are the first phones to receive OS updates from Google and always will be, and they are easy as all get out to root and customize. Go Nexus my webOS friend and you will never look back. My NS4G has been so life changing that I kick myself every time I think about how long I waited for HP to make good on the promise of webOS. I am eagerly waiting for Nexus Prime to launch. When it does, I will be the first to pre-order.
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1. Recommended Sprint phone choices?
2. Transitioning from webOS to Android.
a. Is there an Android equivalent to webOS Synergy?
b. Moving data/contacts etc. How easy was the actual transition?
c. UI options. I've heard the "Sense" UI is good, but that some of the homebrew ones are even better. Suggestions?
d. Anything else you can suggest to make it easier...
Welcome, Bishounen!

1. See the Phone Comparison. Note that the Nexus S doesn't include 17 standard Android features including Facebook Sync, Notification LED, microSD, Speed Dial, Smart Dial, Email Search, Zoom, FM, Visual Voicemail, and HDMI.
2a. Synergy is built into Android (but limited in the Nexus S). See the Palm webOS Homebrewer’s Guide to Android, Synergy section.
2b. See the Palm webOS Homebrewer’s Guide to Android second post for how to transfer contacts.
2c. Sense is amazing but you can try a Launcher like LauncherPro.
2d. ← Click the Getting Started button at the top of any forum
Hey guys,

I wanted to take a moment to thank everyone who has contributed to this thread. You have given me tons of information to work with and have been so welcoming and supporting. Thanks!

Also, I'm just tickled that my very first post on Android Central ends up being part of a front page article for a few days. That was just cool.

Lastly, I think that I've decided that I will wait until October when the Nexus Prime comes to Sprint and then get that. It looks like a cool phone, and will have Ice Cream Sandwich on it, which looks really good.
(Also, what's more of a total geekout than having a phone that shares a name with the leader of the Autobots?)

I'm sure that I will have many more questions, and I will be hanging around in the meantime. Thanks everybody!


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