Folks that have their SIII's in hand: Can you enable/disable LTE?


Well-known member
Jun 18, 2012
I've been looking at screenshots and various reviews, but cannot find any mention about the option to turn 4G LTE on or off similar to my HTC EVO.
Re: Folks that have their SIII's in hand: Can you enable/disable

Try here
Samsung Galaxy S3: Disable 4G/LTE

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Just asked a friend, he said this option is not available on the Sprint version...

He seems to remember Sprint saying it wouldn't be active until LTE is officially ready, then probably a maintenance update will be sent out to give the option to turn on/off ?

Anyone care to verify if they have even grabbed LTE coverage anywhere yet with the Sprint SGSIII ?
Re: Folks that have their SIII's in hand: Can you enable/disable

I don't have a gs3 but I do have a gnex and a evolte and on both you can disable it by going to settings, mobile network then network mode you can switch between cdma and lte/cdma. I don't see why the gs3 would be any different.
Re: Folks that have their SIII's in hand: Can you enable/disable

Phone comes preloaded to only work on cdma. There is an option under mobile networks to run on cdma/lte. Obviously it's set to cdma only....for now
Re: Folks that have their SIII's in hand: Can you enable/disable

I'm guessing it will switch to best available connection.
Re: Folks that have their SIII's in hand: Can you enable/disable

Phone comes preloaded to only work on cdma. There is an option under mobile networks to run on cdma/lte. Obviously it's set to cdma only....for now
You're saying it's set to CDMA only. Is it switchable?
Re: Folks that have their SIII's in hand: Can you enable/disable

No problem! Let's hope Sprint turns on lte soon!! :cool:
Re: Folks that have their SIII's in hand: Can you enable/disable

Tell ya what... If your a rooting and hacking person.. Keep an eye on the development community..

That screen shot shows the code is already in place... Probably just a simple matter of modifying the bools.xml in the framework-res.apk or some other area that just changes a settings from TRUE to FALSE or vise versa.

Then we can enjoy some LTE action before Sprint sends out the code or update to turn it on officially ;)
Definatley will root. CyanogenMod brought my OG EVO back to life. I doubt I'll be changing ROM's, at least for some time, and see what Samsung has to offer.

Still, definatley going to root for wireless tethering and AdBlock.
Re: Folks that have their SIII's in hand: Can you enable/disable

You are able to switch OFF/ON.
Under mobile connections it says CDMA or LTE/CDMA
Yep you can change it then it will reboot and once it's back it's set.

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Re: Folks that have their SIII's in hand: Can you enable/disable

i have the can switch back and forth, but it makes you restart unlike the wimax phones

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