Main Functions:
-100% Free
-Simple interface (Interface can be designed by yourself)
-Repeat each day in week.
-Auto dismiss within limit time.
-3 Dismiss methods:
-----Press on screen button
-----Enter numbers ( avoid turn off alarm when you do not complete wake up )
-----solve math problems ( avoid turn off alarm when you do not complete wake up )
-Alarm by Ringtones
- Alarm by Songs
-Change Volume
-100% Free
-Simple interface (Interface can be designed by yourself)
-Repeat each day in week.
-Auto dismiss within limit time.
-3 Dismiss methods:
-----Press on screen button
-----Enter numbers ( avoid turn off alarm when you do not complete wake up )
-----solve math problems ( avoid turn off alarm when you do not complete wake up )
-Alarm by Ringtones
- Alarm by Songs
-Change Volume