Front vs back camera


Well-known member
Aug 18, 2012
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Just got my 14 X after coming from the 13. This isn't a camera complaining thread. I really like this phone. What I think is interesting is that it just needs some software tweaks. What I have is a hardware comparison between the front and back cameras.

The two pictures below are taken with the front camera and the back camera. You'll notice the front camera is brighter. Now the lens on the back camera is supposed to be a f/2.25 which I would think is wider then the front camera.

The lag on the screen framing with the front camera in these lighting conditions makes me think it's using a slower shutter speed, hence the better exposure.

To make it as even as possible I metered from the center of the screen and keeping my hands in the same position simply flipped the phone around.

I'm wondering if anyone else can replicate this in low light. Mine was simply an over head ceiling fan. Point being if the lower quality front camera which I'm assuming has a smaller sensor and lens opening so it should gather less light can properly expose a shot in these conditions, shouldn't the back camera be able to as well?

I may shoot Moto a message as well and see what they say. Could just need an update to the camera app. Google camera had the same results though.

However I did turn HDR on and it made a world of difference. Which makes sense combining exposure but still the point being the back camera should be able to expose correctly if the front camera can.

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Well-known member
Aug 18, 2012
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Just what I thought. Difference in shutter speed, aperture and iso makes the difference.

So looks like I answered my own question. Sorry, it's late and I'm just thinking out loud.

Also just tried a shot with much less light and HDR on and got a usable result so the quality is there, just needs some tweaking.

At a focal length of 4. whatever mm, it should be able to drop down to a 1/4 second shutter speed and use software stabilization. Yeah ois would be nice but still I think it could have more aggressive shutter speeds to tackle low light.

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