Galaxy Note 10.1: Thinking about buying today. Need advise


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Jun 6, 2010
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I really don't care about using the S pen but I want the best screen I can get on an Android 10 inch tablet. Also weight is a biggie for me.
With that said, I thought the Note was the best option for me. I just read a review that from Engadget saying that playing games like Asphalt 8 and Riptide GP 2 makes the tablet very laggy.

is anyone experiencing any kind of lag when they use the Note? I don't play many games but I will watch movies and I also hate when swiping screens is very laggy.
Thanks in advance,
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Dec 21, 2012
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Re: Thinking about buying today. Need advise

I had lag at the beginning, but it turned out to be a defective unit, specifically with the MicroSD reader somehow. Since I got it replaced, it's been great for movies, anything. Having said that, I don't play games on it....


Jul 14, 2011
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Re: Thinking about buying today. Need advise

I've played both and they run smooth as butter. However, TouchWiz is laggy by today's picky standards, so yeah, you'll experience lag switching tabs, but if you change the launcher that fixes things. It's not the tablet, it's the software.

I did, however, have issues with NOVA 3 and Modern Combat 4. I didn't download them from Google Play because they were part of a refund so I got the APKs directly from Gameloft and the games never ran on the tablet. I couldn't get them to download the external files.

If you don't care about the S-Pen but need the screen, I'd either suggest you consider the Nexus 10 or hold it off until February when the Tab Pro Line comes out.


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Jan 3, 2014
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Re: Thinking about buying today. Need advise

I was going to use Nova Launcher on it. Would that help or hinder?

Neither but it is a good launcher and as for the lag you're experiencing just download clean master from the playstore it will keep your device running smooth... :)

sent from my Nexus 7 using tapatalk pro..


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Sep 8, 2012
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Re: Thinking about buying today. Need advise

I think you may be surprised by the S-pen. I was neutral about it, thought it looked like a good idea but didn't know just how much I would or wouldn't use it. LOVE it! Don't know why anyone would want to use a tab without it.

I really don't care about using the S pen but I want the best screen I can get on an Android 10 inch tablet. Also weight is a biggie for me.
With that said, I thought the Note was the best option for me. I just read a review that from Engadget saying that playing games like Asphalt 8 and Riptide GP 2 makes the tablet very laggy.

is anyone experiencing any kind of lag when they use the Note? I don't play meany games but I will watch movies and I also hate when swiping screens is very laggy.
Thanks in advance,


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Jun 6, 2010
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Re: Thinking about buying today. Need advise

I think you may be surprised by the S-pen. I was neutral about it, thought it looked like a good idea but didn't know just how much I would or wouldn't use it. LOVE it! Don't know why anyone would want to use a tab without it.

Its funny that you say that. I was laying in bed last night think about the pen. I also have the Note 3 but never use the pen with that either. I was wondering if I could find any kind of youtube videos on all the different things to do with the pen. Kind of a S Pen for Dummies tutorial.
I know this sounds stupid but every time I use the pen, I feel like I am traveling back in time 15 years and have my Palm Pilot or Pocket PC again.


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Jun 5, 2011
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Re: Thinking about buying today. Need advise

I think you may be surprised by the S-pen. I was neutral about it, thought it looked like a good idea but didn't know just how much I would or wouldn't use it. LOVE it! Don't know why anyone would want to use a tab without it.

I was the same way about the sPen. Got the NOTE for its advanced hardware and screen, but I find myself using the Spen way more than I thought I would., To take quick notes, to doodle, to hit stuff on pages that are small, and harder to access with a finger, to scroll thru email when I remote back to my desktop, and may I say the Galaxy Sketch book is nothing short of AMAZING if you like to play around and draw /doodle stuff when bored, or just to keep busy, or keep your hands busy and out of the fridge. The S pen is just an incredible piece of technology, that just takes the tablet experience to a whole new level. LOVE the Spen!


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Jun 5, 2011
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Re: Thinking about buying today. Need advise

Its funny that you say that. I was laying in bed last night think about the pen. I also have the Note 3 but never use the pen with that either. I was wondering if I could find any kind of youtube videos on all the different things to do with the pen. Kind of a S Pen for Dummies tutorial.
I know this sounds stupid but every time I use the pen, I feel like I am traveling back in time 15 years and have my Palm Pilot or Pocket PC again.

This is NOT a palm pilot! :), the Spen has such variety, and sensitivity, wayyyyyy beyond PP. I was an old PP die hard, but this is a whole different universe! :)


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Mar 4, 2012
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I respectfully disagree with this statement. I'm not using the s pen feature much but I would not go with any other tablet. It's fast is got multiwindow, it's got smartstay, it's got an awesome screen, it's getting kit kat and it's got customization and fast processor. This is the best Android tablet for now that's available and android is quickly catching up and will surpass apple. people want choices android provides that. is there room for improvement? yes better battery life, quicker updates, better apps but this tablet makes dealing with those issues worth it by far. I have nothing personal against apple at all and I think for a lot of people Ipad is a good choice. But this tablet even surpasses the 10.1 2012 as well. Once we get kit kat and get away from jelly bean 4.3, i think we will be more satisfied than we already are. If i could draw i would love the spen. i doodle some but I'm a surfer not a professional but even so, this tablet is awesome. Just my two cents.


Nov 13, 2012
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This is an absolutely fantastic tablet. I have now been an Android user for four months and also have a Note 3. The SPen is incredible and a huge added feature for both devices. The screens are incredible I watch a lot of TV I ripped on my 10.1 2014 and it looks great. HD Movies from the Google Plays store also look wonderful. This tablet was what finally convinced me to switch from BB. Great for everything work wise I use it for, just fantastic all around device. Lag is dead issue I hate reading... if you have used any device in the past twenty years, they all have a fraction of time here or there, but not as massive as some of the dramatics I see in modern reviews describe. Like if you don't mind waiting two seconds to load you should be fine like most of the world.


Jan 19, 2014
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Hello, I love the tablet and the s pen is the best feature by far. I'm a lawyer and since I brought the galaxy I have used the tab in court and in the office. I'm still getting used to the android platform as I have blackberry 10 phone. So it's a bit strange. I'm pretty certain I need help with setting up the home screens and I haven't a clue about widgets!

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Maruli Setiawan

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Jan 26, 2014
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Hi! I own GN 10. 1 2014 edition and I think it's a great tab. But I've to admit it's not as smooth as IPad when launching a program.
I've experienced lags and even crashes and freeze starting on my first day using it. It's quite a big down for such a high-end gadget from samsung.
But thanks for the S-pen. It's great!


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Jul 1, 2012
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Yeah... The Spen is very useful for me. I take all my meeting notes at work on this via the Papyrus app and sync to drop box and Evernote. Very practical and buttery smooth writing.

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Jun 6, 2010
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I received my tablet on Friday. It had so much light bleeding that I sent it back. I went ahead and went to Best Buy and bought another one. So far not bad but my Nexus 7 2013 was much more responsive. I have downloaded two movies from the Samsung Hub and both are studdering at times. That is very disappointing.


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Dec 23, 2013
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Nova launcher is the best, run it on all of my Android devics... still learning about the S - Pen also here, jury is still out for me... Bought mine for the specs mostly...

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Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 2014 Edition (WiFi)
Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 10.1 (WiFi)
Samsung Galaxy S3 (AT&T)


Well-known member
Sep 30, 2011
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Nova launcher is the best, run it on all of my Android devics... still learning about the S - Pen also here, jury is still out for me... Bought mine for the specs mostly...

Posted via Android Central App
Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 2014 Edition (WiFi)
Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 10.1 (WiFi)
Samsung Galaxy S3 (AT&T)

Yeah, that's what I like to hear. I keep hearing some people say, well, if you don't care about the S-Pen, why bother?
This is a great tablet with awesome specs, especially the screen, S-pen or not.

I'm still learning about the S-pen and saw some good Youtube vids. I haven't used it a lot yet, but I can foresee some uses for it. In any event, it is still a fantastic tablet.

NB: I stream movies from netflix all the time. It is one of my principal uses. No stuttering, no problem...

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