Galaxy Note 3 - Problem Charging with USB 2.0


Oct 10, 2013
Ok now i notice this a lot at my desk when the phone is connected to my old galaxy s4 USB 2.0 charger not sure if it also does it at home with the USB 3.O charger also, but ill connect the phone then wait for the screen to sleep and about 10 sec later it disconnects from charging then 1 sec later reconnects (causing the phone to vibrate and screen to go on) now it does this randomly through out the day and not all the time maybe one out of 20 times, most people wont notice it i think, but the phone sits next to me at my desk so i see it. any one else having this problem or suggest anything i have tried 3 other USB 2.0 wires so its not that. :-\

Any help is appreciated


Oct 19, 2013
Anybody can aswer my question?i have galaxy note 3...its not charging via usb...when i plug it into my pc the battery % goes down...try to factory reset....after reset it works fine,but when i try copy videofiles in my phone after copying videofiles the % goes down again...what happening?its like my phone dont like videofiles????SORRY FOR BAD ENGLISH

Johnny Kay

New member
Nov 29, 2013
Could be a faulty battery had similar troubles with my Galaxy s2 and it was the battery. if so samsung gives you a 6 month warranty
Nov 28, 2013
Ok now i notice this a lot at my desk when the phone is connected to my old galaxy s4 USB 2.0 charger not sure if it also does it at home with the USB 3.O charger also, but ill connect the phone then wait for the screen to sleep and about 10 sec later it disconnects from charging then 1 sec later reconnects (causing the phone to vibrate and screen to go on) now it does this randomly through out the day and not all the time maybe one out of 20 times, most people wont notice it i think, but the phone sits next to me at my desk so i see it. any one else having this problem or suggest anything i have tried 3 other USB 2.0 wires so its not that. :-\

Any help is appreciated

I've had the exact same problem, you may find that the phone just starts to charge normally in the next few days but it will happen again. I just sent mine off today to be repaired (i tried 7 chargers all had the same problem)


Jul 14, 2011
Might be a loose connector, too. In any case, it does seem like you should get your phone replaced ASAP.

Helper that helps

New member
Jul 21, 2014
I have the same phone and the same problem I found that it was a problem with the unique wire for the note 3 try getting the standard Android wire for your phone.