Galaxy S4 - 32GB


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Jul 4, 2010
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I broke down and bought the 16 today. After loading all my usual apps on it has 8.53 gb left. I'm not a gamer so I'm not too worried. If Best Buy gets in the 32s before my return period I don't know if I would even go through the trouble of exchanging it. I just got everything set up the way I want it.


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Nov 10, 2010
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Setting up another phone is much easier than you know.....
I broke down and bought the 16 today. After loading all my usual apps on it has 8.53 gb left. I'm not a gamer so I'm not too worried. If Best Buy gets in the 32s before my return period I don't know if I would even go through the trouble of exchanging it. I just got everything set up the way I want it.


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Apr 18, 2011
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I spoke with AT&T yesterday about the 32gb. The lady on the phone was trying to find a way to pre-order it for me for a good 10 minutes, she even brought in one of her associates to try and find it. This is a long way to go if they are told to play dumb about it in my opinion. She then dug through company memos for a good 5 minutes to try and find a definite release date, no luck on that either. She did however, assure me that they will be stocking the 32gb model.. if that means anything, I certianly won't hold my breath.
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May 13, 2012
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I couldn't hold out, I bought a black 16GB today and I love it. I asked about the 32Gb but the rep said they were selling those online which is not true of course. I just nodded and went to another store. They didn't have any idea either so I just said enough of being tempted and got one. It's a awesome phone, it works so much better then the demo model did. :)


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May 2, 2013
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If they would have had a 32gb on the shelf day one, or since then, I would be using it right now. But since that's not the case, I've had time to think and read more about people's hands on experience with the phone. I'm back to my middle ground for the S4 or the One. Coming from a 16gb iPhone two generations over (3gs and 4) with frustration on space, I wouldn't go for anything below 32gb let alone something I'm guaranteed ~9gb out of the box for apps, as those take up most of my space anyhow.

If there was a 32gb or 64gb out right now there would be 16gb In stock sitting in the store shelves its called strategy smart move if u ask me by samsung.sell as much of the 16gb then when the time is right release the 32gb why do you think the 16gb selling so well in u.s .lpok at iphones I cant find a used 64gb iphone 5 that's cause no one wants to sell it but u see the light 16gb all over the place.
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Honestly, I have thought the very same, though I DISAGREE that AT&T and others are told to play dumb, rather, I think they're just kept in the dark. I spoke with my regular AT&T store and the rep on the phone said their regular Samsung rep who came through, when asked about the 32gb simply said something along the lines of "just sell them the 16gb and emphasize it's expandable memory, don't talk about anything else". Speaking to two other retail locations revealed how they can "conveniently" get me a 16gb memory card at a discount day one with the phone. All of that combined sounds like a scheming plan if I've ever heard one, whether the rep is aware of it or not.

Think about how many people you've seen on here and elsewhere that "caved in" and "just bought it" simply because they wanted the device, even if they aren't pleased with the memory (and still aren't), or perhaps the populace who just doesn't know better. I think this is deliberate on Samsung's behalf, and if/when a 32gb comes to shelves in the US on AT&T, it will be right after the two week return period, exactly on it's heels, so that all of the 16gb phones sold are ineligible for the basic fee+swap.

That's just my 2 Cents based on my induction over the last few weeks.
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Apr 18, 2011
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If they would have had a 32gb on the shelf day one, or since then, I would be using it right now. But since that's not the case, I've had time to think and read more about people's hands on experience with the phone. I'm back to my middle ground for the S4 or the One. Coming from a 16gb iPhone two generations over (3gs and 4) with frustration on space, I wouldn't go for anything below 32gb let alone something I'm guaranteed ~9gb out of the box for apps, as those take up most of my space anyhow.

Honestly, I have thought the very same, though I DISAGREE that AT&T and others are told to play dumb, rather, I think they're just kept in the dark. I spoke with my regular AT&T store and the rep on the phone said their regular Samsung rep who came through, when asked about the 32gb simply said something along the lines of "just sell them the 16gb and emphasize it's expandable memory, don't talk about anything else". Speaking to two other retail locations revealed how they can "conveniently" get me a 16gb memory card at a discount day one with the phone. All of that combined sounds like a scheming plan if I've ever heard one, whether the rep is aware of it or not.

Think about how many people you've seen on here and elsewhere that "caved in" and "just bought it" simply because they wanted the device, even if they aren't pleased with the memory (and still aren't), or perhaps the populace who just doesn't know better. I think this is deliberate on Samsung's behalf, and if/when a 32gb comes to shelves in the US on AT&T, it will be right after the two week return period, exactly on it's heels, so that all of the 16gb phones sold are ineligible for the basic fee+swap.

That's just my 2 Cents based on my deduction over the last few weeks.

Great post, thanks! And, in fact, that's induction brother, not deduction.


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Apr 30, 2013
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I'm sure Verizon will release a 32gb version. They would be stupid not to, but then again we are talking about Verizon. :D

IIrc, Verizon launched the 16GB and 32GB S3 at the same time but some stores didn't stock the 32GB flavor. I initially started with a 16GB, but for the $50 difference, it was worth it for the space. But returning it (and paying the damn restocking fee) was a pia. I am going to wait for a 32GB this time around.

16gb is fine just go for it the 64gb micro is enough .

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May 2, 2013
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Well this is ENTIRELY relative to what you find useful. Someone can use up an itty bitty bit of the space and never be phased by it. Others will feel constrained, especially if you do have games alongside your apps. I don't think anyone could give you a solid answer here.


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Apr 30, 2013
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How many apps not games can you fit into 9 GB of memory?

I can fit alot of apps if i wanted to play 3d games ill turn on rgh dual nand xbox 360 play on is for bussiness and pleasure u can download small games to pasd the time on your lunch break but me I use my phone to pay bills and shop on online like swappa,amazon and ebay.

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Apr 18, 2011
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Thank you good sir!
Ah! duly noted sir. I shall edit it for accuracy, again thank you!

Hahaha. Thank you! I appriciate the levity of lighthearted whimsical comedy in a forum that can become dry at times... which is not unlike the comical uselessness of my prestigious philosophy degree.

To keep it topical:
Personally I find ~9gb to be not enough... for me. For my girl, my friends, my family, and associates, 9 gb IS certainly enough, if they keep pictures, music, etc on an external SD or dropbox. I hate to app juggle, and in a year or two years from now, using induction, apps will probably get larger. So will there be a storage issue? Maybe for some, and probably for me with my use.
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May 2, 2013
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If it cost more where is the profit you don't see the whole page im trying to tell you. Apple has sold more 16gb than 32 or 64 combined and they are the riches company in the world .
1. Yes, apple is one of the most profitable countries in the world, but not because they sell a lot of 16gb iPhones. They are profitable because they have very high profit margins and sell a lot of everything. 2. Yes, a larger capacity phone costs more to make but do you seriously think it costs Apple $100 more to make a 16gb iPhone than a 32gb iPhone? Samsung doesn't spend $50 more on a 32gb GS4 than a 16gb one. So, as the capacity goes up, profit margin increases dramatically. 3. Do you really think it would be a smart move for AT&T to play dumb about a 32gb model when currently they are the only carrier to confirm they will carry it? If people think they have to wait a month to get the 32gb model; what will stop them from going to another carrier? AT&T isn't very bright. They should capitalize on the fact that they may be the only carrier to offer the 32gb model. So, once again, AT&T reps aren't playing dumb. They simply don't know anything about it. In terms of profitability there is absolutely no advantage for them to not say anything.
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Apr 30, 2013
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And I'm not particularly sure why it posted what I said as a quote for rootyourphone. The first part is a quote. The second part is mine.

Well if that was case then wheres the 32gb version and yes they do know they follow a protocol unless if your a person working at at&t willing to bend the rules .the best buy here where I live shows a 32gb s4 as a fake display model posted as 249.00 2 year contract just best buy is waiting on at&t to ship them out.i can go to frys up here and see if they have any I use to work there in my 20's but my buddy is now a department manager for cellphones.ill ask him in the morning to see when hes getting them.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using Tapatalk 2
May 2, 2013
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Well if that was case then wheres the 32gb version and yes they do know they follow a protocol unless if your a person working at at&t willing to bend the rules .the best buy here where I live shows a 32gb s4 as a fake display model posted as 249.00 2 year contract just best buy is waiting on at&t to ship them out.i can go to frys up here and see if they have any I use to work there in my 20's but my buddy is now a department manager for cellphones.ill ask him in the morning to see when hes getting them.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using Tapatalk 2

Ok that may be the case. They may know when they'll have them, but it's definitely not because they want to sell more 16gb models because if the same people bought 32gb models they'd make more money and ok great let us know what he says!


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May 3, 2011
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If what Verizon corporate reps area saying is true:

There are no 32gb being shipped for the US as far as initial launch.

Samsung can not cover demand for 16gb to fill their channels for a near simultaneous global launch.

Verizon at least has no current plans not to sell a 32gb, FWIW

The main reason Verizon is waiting until end if May is supply.


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Apr 18, 2010
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I might buy the Galaxy Note 8 this weekend for my upcoming trip so I have something to use. Waiting this whole mess out to see what happens, and see more reviews of other devices.


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Nov 4, 2010
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Probably in a month or so when they finally ship out their batch of 16gb versions.
I would guess that as well. About a month if not sooner
ok thanks guys, quite annoying of Samsung to ship different variants at different times
If HTC can do it with their 32 / 64gb models i'm sure Sammy can too....
Oh you can count on that. Samsung is so strong with bringing out models that are new, They do it according to a certain time table they already have in place to peek interest among the public.


Well-known member
Apr 27, 2013
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I broke down and bought the 16 today. After loading all my usual apps on it has 8.53 gb left. I'm not a gamer so I'm not too worried. If Best Buy gets in the 32s before my return period I don't know if I would even go through the trouble of exchanging it. I just got everything set up the way I want it.

It seems if you add a 32gb class 10 micro sd card, you be covered all the way around. I am waiting for the 32gb myself. Like you, I am not a gamer. So, I might, just might break down and get the 16gb, and add a 64gb sd card. Going to wait another week, after that, I will relent.. :)

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