Galaxy s6 Battery draining 90% overnight!


Well-known member
Nov 8, 2010
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Here's an update to my earlier post. My S6 is always connected to my WiFi router at home. I looked at the battery usage and it showed Maps consuming 70% battery, as I noted earlier. This is weird because obviously overnight I don't do any navigating and I didn't show Maps running when I hit the soft button on the lower-left of the phone. However I went in and disabled Location Services before going to sleep last night, and with the battery percentage showing 98% at bedtime, it was at 88% when I woke up this morning, 8 hours later. So either it was the Location Services themselves or Maps, I don't know but that seems to be the culprit. I will try another test tonight on 3G and see if that makes any difference as well. As for other suggestions re: the phone "pinging" other wireless devices like a printer, etc. that's also an idea that I will investigate. I do have a Canon WiFi printer but there is no print app on my phone that would be trying to connect, AFAIK. I should also mention in case it has any bearing on anything that I usually keep the phone on my nightstand where there is also an AM/FM clock radio, could there be some frequency interference? Wild guess but thought I'd mention it. I imagine it shouldn't be the problem, though.

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