GNex #3 Incoming.... This phone...


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Aug 22, 2010
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So I have the Best Buy Geek Squad protection, which I would definately reccomend when buying a new phone ($9.99 a month, and no deductables), and a month ago I dropped my Gnex, and it cracked. So I brought it back, and got a "new" one in three days. Then a week later the loud speaker completely stopped working. I couldn't make it to Best Buy so I had to deal. When I was on my way to Best Buy (a half hour away), the speaker started working. Then it stopped the next day. Great. So I cracked this one last week, and brought it to Best Buy yesterday finally. Going to go pick up the 3rd one in a few hours. Hopefully this one will be successful. My luck with this phone is not very good at all..


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Mar 16, 2010
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I'm on my fourth... first 2 constantly lost all signal and data when on 4G, the third had a blown earpiece, and this one has been golden for almost six months so fingers crossed....

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Former Advisor
Aug 22, 2010
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Just got it from Best Buy, has an unlocked bootloader and won't boot past Google logo lol. Can't get into recovery but I can get into bootloader -__- gonna try the factory image from Google when I get home. My luck.

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Mar 16, 2010
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Just got it from Best Buy, has an unlocked bootloader and won't boot past Google logo lol. Can't get into recovery but I can get into bootloader -__- gonna try the factory image from Google when I get home. My luck.

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Lmfao that actually happened with the phone I'm using right now, except I got it from Verizon on a warranty replacement. And look, it ended up being my best nexus of all the nexi I went through. So don't lose hope.

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Well-known member
Feb 6, 2012
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I believe I got lucky with my second phone. My first one wouldn't charge, was sent a re certified one, been using it 2 weeks now, this is better then my original one. Knock on wood!

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