M mysamsungs7e Well-known member Dec 2, 2016 351 0 0 Mar 2, 2017 #1 Just wondering if it will show up.
S slick5150 Well-known member Apr 2, 2015 62 0 0 Mar 2, 2017 #2 Yes. It's an update to the google framework directly from Google. It's supposed to be rolling out to pretty much any phone on Marshmallow or Nougat in the next couple days
Yes. It's an update to the google framework directly from Google. It's supposed to be rolling out to pretty much any phone on Marshmallow or Nougat in the next couple days
TheDonJ77 Well-known member May 13, 2011 1,797 12 38 Mar 2, 2017 #3 It should, don't know how it will be rolled out but those who are able to get should get it over the next week or so
It should, don't know how it will be rolled out but those who are able to get should get it over the next week or so
Almeuit Moderator Team Leader Moderator Apr 17, 2012 32,273 23 38 Mar 2, 2017 #4 Please see the existing thread below. http://forums.androidcentral.com/sa...3-has-your-s7e-received-google-assistant.html
Please see the existing thread below. http://forums.androidcentral.com/sa...3-has-your-s7e-received-google-assistant.html