Google Music WARNING!!!!

Aug 4, 2011
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What up Droids and Droidettes? I just wanted to rant a little bit, I have the Sprint Samsung Galaxy Nexus. It is all that I thought it would be and more, love the phone! Today I purchased the Beastie Boys-Ill Communications album for 3.99 from Google Music. I went to download that album from Google Music and the file arrived zipped (I know this is how the come), when I went to unzip the folder it asked for a password. Has anyone else had this problem?

I am done with Google Music, it just seems to be more of a hassle to get my music to my hard drive than the alternative of Amazon. I mean I can't even download the music from Google Music to my phone. The grips are getting too tight. Error or not, I will not be purchasing anymore music from Google Music going back to Amazon mp3. Amazon mp3 seems so seamless. While it will be hard to resist Google music's 3.99 album special's, I think the few extra bucks are worth Amazon's music implementation.

Just curious to hear other people's thought on Google Music and their implementation.


Well-known member
Aug 26, 2010
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I also prefer using Amazon. It's just easier for me overall to use between phone and computer. Since when though can you not download Google Music files to your phone? You have to click the available offline box from the phone application.

Sent via my Galaxy Nexus
60% of the time, It works every time!

Reno Skyy

Well-known member
Feb 12, 2012
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Never had a issue with google play music love it actually

Sent from the Best Android phone my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2