Google Play music "library" keeps shuffling???

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Android Central Question

My "MUSIC LIBRARY" keeps shuffling. At the top of my songs list, 'shuffle all' is lit and I see no way to stop it. Please, help. I've used Google Play Music for years and this just started about a month ago. If it's going to play random songs...It's not worth it. I had 3 accounts. My 12 year old won't use it anymore and I have let his membership go. The other 2 accounts may be next. I have hundreds of songs in my library. If I'm in the mood for Aerosmith - I don't want it to shuffle to Enya. Not cool. It's shuffling my playlist also, which I use to workout. If you do dance aerobics, you know the order of the songs matter, because of the warm up and cool down periods. You can not do a cool down routine to Pantera. Just saying. So, how do I turn off shuffle on my "music library".

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