Google Voice malfunction on 2.3.3


Jul 12, 2010
I just upgraded my N1 to 2.3.3, google voice is not listed in the app drawer, but is listed in the applications menu under "all applications". All the options are greyed out, the market won't let me open it or uninstall it.

N1 GV owners beware, I have already seen others with this issue, any of you guys experienced this? I use GV daily, I can't have it in limbo somewhere on my phone, any idea on how to delete it? so I can at least re-install it?
Same issue here. Google Voice icon is gone from my app drawer but shows up in Manage Applications ... I will try uninstaller as suggested above ....
@hutzal did a factory reset and still nothing. :( the version on the phone is different from the one on the Market. Somebody has the apk?
damn, too late! I just reset mine and noticed the same thing. Seriously, if a factory reset can't help, what can???
we need the latest one from the market. unfortunately, no way for us to update.

btw, Google Books, is it working for you, too?
I just upgraded my N1 to 2.3.3, google voice is not listed in the app drawer, but is listed in the applications menu under "all applications". All the options are greyed out, the market won't let me open it or uninstall it.

N1 GV owners beware, I have already seen others with this issue, any of you guys experienced this? I use GV daily, I can't have it in limbo somewhere on my phone, any idea on how to delete it? so I can at least re-install it?

Only problem I had with GV was the need to delete and re-install the desktop icon. It still appeared in my drawer.

If you can see it in settings / applications, see if you can uninstall it or revert it.

Make sure your google talk (not voice, talk) app works. The market relies on talk connection.

Then go to from your computer, and log in and select Install button to push it to your phone.

No Guarantees, but it might work.
Just did this - ran Google Talk, it connected and works.

Google Voice is still there - can't run it, can't uninstall it.

Went to Market on Web to push it and nothing. :(
for those of you with the app NOT working, are you in the USA or outside of the USA? I'm in Canada.
Google Nexus One 2.3.3 Google Voice Greyed Out


I am currently in Spain and using a wifi connection, and I just did a manual update of 2.3.3 for the nexus one, and the Google Voice application does not show up in the applications drawer, but it shows in All applications, but all of the buttons are greyed out. So I can't uninstall/update or change anything in in google voice. In the Android Market, for google voice, the "Open" button is greyed out also.

I have Google Talk installed and it works.

I did an update for the google books app from the market and now it appears in the applications drawer and I can use it.

I have another Nexus One with Froyo 2.2.1 which I got in January, and I installed Google Voice on it without any problems.

Anyone have any more info on a fix for this?

Hey of note. I just noticed I'm running a version of google voice .... I think I downloaded this a while back when the new Google Voice widget came about. Now I can no longer find the this version of the APK. I found ... from this site ... but it still won't install ... just a quick note might mean something. Does anyone have this particular APK?
there are links to apks on this thread... Did the manual update to Android 2.3.3 break Google Voice on the Nexus One? - Google Voice Help

Also, this seems to be world wide, google has region locked Google Voice. The APK I downloaded from that above link works on my phone, but after a reboot no longer does. it takes 2 seconds to install it (all user data stays the same) so its a minor inconvenience to keep GV working on my phone. AFter all, I don't reboot very often.
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Android 2.3.3 Google Voice/Sipdroid Installation for OUTSIDE USA

When I did the manual update of Gingerbread 2.3.3 in Spain, I lost the Google Voice app functionality, as it was not included in the App drawer and all buttons were greyed out, including the Open button on the Android Market. I could not uninstall google voice nor do anything with it.

So here's how I got Sipdroid working on Android Gingerbread 2.3.3 outside the USA!!!!

Sipdroid only requires that Google Voice be installed on the phone to
setup the PBXes account. After Sipdroid is setup, Google Voice is not
needed, and can be uninstalled.

Below are the instructions for those of us outside the USA using Gingerbread 2.3.3 that want to use Sipdroid/Pbxes to make free wifi/3G calling with your Google Voice account. (You will need to already have a google voice number)

1. Download Sipdroid and install from the Android Market.

2. Download the APK file to your phone and install it. This will setup Google Voice and is just needed for the Sipdroid/PBXes setup.

3. Open Google Voice and just Sign In with your Gmail account. You don't need to continue further with the installation, just hit the Home button and then...

4. Open Sipdroid---A small button at the bottom of the application will ask you to setup a PBXes account and you'll just enter your info. Voila, now you can make/receive free USA/Canada phone calls.

Now, google voice will continue to be an app you can use on your phone, however when you reboot the phone, the Google Voice app will disappear from the App drawer. The good thing is that Sipdroid doesn't now need the Google Voice app to function. (If you do want to use Google Voice in any other way, you can just reinstall it, and it will work until you reboot your phone)

Hope this helps!

I was able to get it to work by having it pushed from the Android Market (web) to the phone. After a reboot, it failed. Now, I can't push the app.

Used the apk mentioned by @hutzal and saved it to my dropbox so it is easy to reinstall it after a reboot. Besides, I rarely reboot the phone anyway.

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