Question Google Wallet not working on my main Google Account


Aug 10, 2024
I have a problem with Google Wallet. When I use it with my main Google account, a message pops up saying "there was a problem setting up an active account... ", but when I set up another Google account, the app works normally. Tested on different phones of different brands (Xiaomi, Samsung, Huawei). Do you please know where in my Google account the problem might be? It's sure not problem of the phone. I don't want to create a new Google account because of Google wallet.
Is the account you tried from a supported region? Have you tried activating the account in Wallet on another phone? Are there two-factor authorization locks on the account that isn't working?
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1) Yes I am from supported region - Czech.
2) Yes - 2x Xiaomi, 1x Huawei 1x Samsung -> my main account nor working, another account - Wallet Working
3) Yes, they are.
Try double-checking that the region set for the account (not the phone, the actual Google account settings) is a supported one and I would try disabling 2FA temporarily to check if that's what's blocking the activation. It wouldn't hurt to try to contact Google support to see if they have more insight as to why Wallet is refusing to activate the account.
Ideally I'd think the opposite, creating another account for wallet keeps them sandboxed (at least in the cloud) from you main account for which you give out your email. During a databreach and information is leaked, everything under one email will likely be a bigger honeypot if hacked (let me clarify the last statement).

Let's say your email is email is part of a data breach. If a hacker randomly decides your account looks interesting and gain access to it, they now have access to EVERYTHING in your Google account including payment methods. They may not be able to see the numbers but can drain your account using Google Checkout.

On the other hand if you have the payment methods tied to an account that you never give out or have linked in any way to the main account, not only will the main account be less attractive, they also wouldn't have access to your payment methods or know you even have any.

As for the not being able to add to the wallet, is it one card or any card? Are you sure you didn't violate Googles terms at some point and is in a (shadow) semi-functional state?
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I hadn't thought of it that way - it's interesting, and thanks for that angle. In terms of some "encapsulation" it might actually seem safer. :-)

As for the Google terms - I don't know, I guess so. But for now, that's the only way to use the service.
The problem is not the cards, but the app itself, because I can add cards on my computer in the browser, but on any phone - Huawei, Samsung, Xiaomi, etc., I can't even run the app because of my account.
No, I don't. Actually, I don't do anything special. I really feel that somewhere "in the bowels" of my account "something" is set wrong, but I have no way to control it. Support is relatively responsive though, thankfully.
Hi! It appears that rather than your phones, the issue with Google Wallet is most likely related to settings on your primary Google account. Verify that the payment methods you are using are secure and that there are no problems with verification.

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