Sand? i could kinda see that since sand is composed of ground up shells & rocks... wow, didn't know that, good thing i hate the beach...LOL
Quite frankly the phones i did my "scratch key test" in the store on (Vibrant, Photon, EVO 4G and G2x) did not scratch but they keys i used were made of metal and not sand, i don't "jackhammer it, i just try to push a few strokes with a key with slight force back & forth to see if it will hold up to possibly rubbing against keys when taking in & out of purse, and each time i performed my "covert operation" i achieved "success"
Of the 4 above i have tested with the key at the store, i owned the Vibrant for 6 mos and the EVO for 6 mos and never put a screen protector on them. When i sold them at the end of 6 mos they each looked brand new after "one swipe with a microfiber cloth".... I take good care of the phones, but i put them thru their paces too... Now my LG Dare, Envy and LG Cookie, (without using screen protectors as well) the surface of those phones looked like hell after just a short time, but luckily you really only noticed when screen was turned off....
Not tellin' anyone they should go "commando" if they don't want to, but if ur a "landlubber" like me, u might be able to go without