GPS on BAMF Forever


Jul 23, 2011
I don't know if there is a thread on this anywhere (search wasn't helpful) but my GPS won't lock on at all, even with GPS status. Is there anything I can do to fix this? I'm running the GB OTA radios and GPS worked perfectly before flashing.

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I don't know if there is a thread on this anywhere (search wasn't helpful) but my GPS won't lock on at all, even with GPS status. Is there anything I can do to fix this? I'm running the GB OTA radios and GPS worked perfectly before flashing.

Sent from my ADR6400L using Tapatalk

GB OTA radios... and what radio is that specifically??? Give me some numbers... Settings > About phone > look around for Baseband version. There is not an issue I've seen or heard of in the BAMF Forever ROM... you might want to flash another radio... or possibly flash the ROM again after you wipe your data, cache and Dalvik cache... I'd try flashing a different radio first. Check out the latest radio link in my signature for a very good list of radio files... and yes, you should flash both the LTE and CDMA radio files.
Oh I thought the OTA radios was clear enough, my fault. My Baseband version is, I got the Gingerbread OTA pushed to my phone, then rooted and flashed BAMF Forever 1.07. I didn't flash any other radio during the process, because it was my understanding that those radios would work fine. This was my first root and flash, so do you think that my radios are the problem with my GPS. The same radios worked fine before the flash.
Oh I thought the OTA radios was clear enough, my fault. My Baseband version is, I got the Gingerbread OTA pushed to my phone, then rooted and flashed BAMF Forever 1.07. I didn't flash any other radio during the process, because it was my understanding that those radios would work fine. This was my first root and flash, so do you think that my radios are the problem with my GPS. The same radios worked fine before the flash.

Radio's are the easiest to flash... and you don't have to worry about wiping data, cache or dalvik cache if you flash just the radio's... so I would try doing to just to be sure it's not your radio's... I'm using the same radio's and had both those with Forever and they worked just fine. It's not going to hurt by flashing the same radio files.

If that doesn't work, then I'd try flashing the ROM again... did you check the MD5 Sum code of the ROM before you flashed it???
I did not. That's the one thing that I was unsure of.

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I think there is an app that will give you the MD5 Sum code for a file, but I don't use any. I use a PC app called WinMd5Sum, since I download all my ROMs to my PC first... it's easy, simple, and free.
What exactly is the MD5 sum used for?

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One of the programmers said it was to insure you were downloading the correct version... it also insures you are did not download a corrupt file.

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