Hard time justifying the price


Active member
Sep 9, 2013
I am not hung up on specs but on the other hand since the components such as the processor and screen are not as costly as the the HTC One, S4 and LG G2, then why should the price of this phone be the same as the other flagships, the phone might perform as well as the others but it truly does not cost as much to make even in Texas, at 149 or 99 this phone would be a no brainer but at 199 ?? There are rumors that the phone will drop in Q4, any way to substantiate this ?


Well-known member
Oct 25, 2012
If I had any advice here it would be wait to see if the price drops or buy the less expensive phone that you want. Solely my opinion based on all the phones I've purchased in the past few years....1 RAZR, 2 RAZR HD's, and 2 Galaxy's.... This phone out performs all of them and is worth the 199 I paid for it. I don't think you would feel slighted at all for the additional $50 bucks over the price you feel it should be at.

I wouldn't go back to any of them to leave my motox. moto x tops them all hands down.

Posted via my MotoX


Well-known member
Dec 2, 2010
I am not hung up on specs but ...
Yes you are.

You're basing your assumptions off claims that aren't true, mainly that the hardware components are cheaper than the competition's and the phone doesn't cost as much to make.

So the phone, at least on paper, costs Motorola
as much to make (as estimated by the IHS ) as it
costs Samsung or Apple to produce their high-end


Well-known member
Aug 3, 2013
I am not hung up on specs but on the other hand since the components such as the processor and screen are not as costly as the the HTC One, S4 and LG G2, then why should the price of this phone be the same as the other flagships, the phone might perform as well as the others but it truly does not cost as much to make even in Texas, at 149 or 99 this phone would be a no brainer but at 199 ?? There are rumors that the phone will drop in Q4, any way to substantiate this ?

If you want to analyze by cost, it's $14 less to make than the S4 altogether and $19 less in components so that alone should take the $149 value issue off the table, (and srsly with the 99, eyeroll). Okay, so for parts only now you're down to a 20 dif in raw component cost, and then you have to think about value (and cost btw) of software design / creation that makes it things that the others are not. Past that, you can think about value specifically to you. You either want an S4/LGG2 or you don't. If you do, buy one, if you don't, buy the X. Are you just as happy with any of them? No, they are probably not all equal to you, and if they are not all equal than there is value on something. What is it. Whatever it is, there's the extra $10. Spend money on things you want. And while you're at it, put a little value, not just cost, on building something in the U.S.

And yes, the price will drop, you can count on it imo.
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Active member
Sep 22, 2013
I am not hung up on specs but on the other hand since the components such as the processor and screen are not as costly as the the HTC One, S4 and LG G2, then why should the price of this phone be the same as the other flagships, the phone might perform as well as the others but it truly does not cost as much to make even in Texas, at 149 or 99 this phone would be a no brainer but at 199 ?? There are rumors that the phone will drop in Q4, any way to substantiate this ?

It's already down to 99 if you get it as an upgrade on sprint through Amazon, so its very likely that the other carriers will follow soon.


Well-known member
May 20, 2013
I'd guess the R&D cost was higher because of the two, new processing "cores" they developed and the initial cost of getting the manufacturing facility started in the US. Remember that the cost of making a phone is a lot more than just the BOM and manufacturing cost. You have to make up all of your up front costs before you start making any money at all.


Well-known member
Nov 4, 2012
This thinking Is getting old... No offense to the op but honestly, my girl has the s4 and my mom has the HTC one, this phone is so much better in my opinion. The camera update fixes that issue.. It's an all in wonder & priced appropriately.

Posted via Android Central App


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2013
I am not hung up on specs but on the other hand since the components such as the processor and screen are not as costly as the the HTC One, S4 and LG G2, then why should the price of this phone be the same as the other flagships, the phone might perform as well as the others but it truly does not cost as much to make even in Texas, at 149 or 99 this phone would be a no brainer but at 199 ?? There are rumors that the phone will drop in Q4, any way to substantiate this ?

Your overlooking the hard work and build quality of the product. Although HTC wasn't part of this test, the moto x ranks as one of the most durable devices in this test: http://m.cnet.com/news/moto-x-beats-out-iphone-5s-5c-and-galaxy-s4-for-durability/57604092

Plus, the overall feel and shape of the phone will make you want to hold your phone more.

The moto x also supports an advanced trim program unlike on any phones seen. It also haves a higher random read and random write speed to the hard drive than any other phone produced. You can read more details here: http://www.anandtech.com/show/7235/moto-x-review/9

The dual core CPU is clocked at the same speed as the s600 chips that's in the s4 and HTC one. According to anandtech, the dual-core CPU in the moto x consistently performs at 1.7ghz while the s4 hits 1.9ghz than quickly drops to 1.4 before leveling to 1ghz. You can read more about the moto x CPU here: http://www.anandtech.com/show/7235/moto-x-review/7

Plus, the moto x sports almost the same GPU as the HTC one and s4. The only difference is that its pushing less pixels, and the fps is off the charts. In most tests the GPU outperforms all other competition. You can read more about the GPU here: http://www.anandtech.com/show/7235/moto-x-review/8

The battery life in the moto x haves mixed reviews. I myself am having great battery life when it comes to mix use, but the moto x isn't perfect. Some analysts believes that the dual-core CPU in the moto x drains more battery than the quad-core CPU. This is mainly due to higher frequencies for each core of the moto x versus each core of the quad core. Plus, the battery saver mode doesn't knock down the CPUs core frequencies like the other phones. It seems as if the phone heavily rely on the two lower power cores to make the phone last. Maybe that's why people get 24 hour use with 4-8 hours of screen life. I think there can be further improvements to battery life. However, I am plenty pleased with the moto x battery life.

Phone call reception has been way better on the moto x than any other phone. Places I use to not be able to call I can now call, and places I couldn't browse I can now browse.

Call quality is by far the best. Maybe its too aggressive with the noise cancellation, but a fix is coming soon(unless your T-Mobile). I can hear the person pretty clear, and it does great with background noises. Speaker phone works great.

The gimmicks that you may think are gimmicks can be something you will find using daily. I thought the twisty camera was a joke, and active notifications was an iPhone copy. However, I use them everyday, and Motorola incorporates the other software features to work with my everyday life. The assist is by far the best feature, and touch less controls do come handy in certain situations.

Above all, this phone is the only phone you can customize. Unfortunately its at&t exclusive, but give it another month. I think the wooden backs will be well worth the wait. Plus, the price is dropping soon.

Over all, the moto x is a great buy, and I truly believe it is worth the price tag. Even though, the moto x sports last year specs on paper. One shouldn't base judgment on what a phone could do, but judge what the phone is doing. I say this because right now the moto x is shaking up the rethinking of many in the USA. I just hope that this can convince you to take the plunge. I am happy that I took it.

Posted via Android Central App


Well-known member
Aug 3, 2013


Well-known member
Jul 8, 2012
S4 cost $236 to build
X cost $221 to build + $5 for assemble in US= $226

so the difference is only $10


Active member
Sep 9, 2013
My main concern holding me back is mainly the display, it looked fine until I compared it against the HTC One or even the MIni, I do realize LCD verse Amoled issues, I currently have a Samsung Galaxy Express thru ATT with a crappy 206 PPI display along with some lag issues, is it normal for the whites against the background to have a yellowish tint ? Also for the people who have the HTC One with it's gorgeous display, was it worth the tradeoff to give up that display for the other positives of the Moto X ? I will tell you one thing though, one can drive themselves nuts over the various phone choices !!


Well-known member
Sep 30, 2011
My main concern holding me back is mainly the display, it looked fine until I compared it against the HTC One or even the MIni, I do realize LCD verse Amoled issues, I currently have a Samsung Galaxy Express thru ATT with a crappy 206 PPI display along with some lag issues, is it normal for the whites against the background to have a yellowish tint ? Also for the people who have the HTC One with it's gorgeous display, was it worth the tradeoff to give up that display for the other positives of the Moto X ? I will tell you one thing though, one can drive themselves nuts over the various phone choices !!

Apparently the more recent, or at least the phones coming off the Motomaker line, do not have the yellowish tint. At least, at a level I cannot detect when comparing it with an HTC One.


Well-known member
Jul 8, 2012
My main concern holding me back is mainly the display, it looked fine until I compared it against the HTC One or even the MIni, I do realize LCD verse Amoled issues, I currently have a Samsung Galaxy Express thru ATT with a crappy 206 PPI display along with some lag issues, is it normal for the whites against the background to have a yellowish tint ? Also for the people who have the HTC One with it's gorgeous display, was it worth the tradeoff to give up that display for the other positives of the Moto X ? I will tell you one thing though, one can drive themselves nuts over the various phone choices !!



Well-known member
Dec 2, 2010
I'd venture as far as to say the Moto X actually has a more color accurate screen than the HTC One, from what I've seen. The HTC One is brighter, but it has a pretty clear blue shift. Its display probably has the best blacks I've seen from any LCD, though still not as good as AMOLED obviously.


Well-known member
Aug 10, 2011
My main concern holding me back is mainly the display, it looked fine until I compared it against the HTC One or even the MIni, I do realize LCD verse Amoled issues, I currently have a Samsung Galaxy Express thru ATT with a crappy 206 PPI display along with some lag issues, is it normal for the whites against the background to have a yellowish tint ? Also for the people who have the HTC One with it's gorgeous display, was it worth the tradeoff to give up that display for the other positives of the Moto X ? I will tell you one thing though, one can drive themselves nuts over the various phone choices !!
i think you solved it right there, Its just as fine when you don't compare it. How often are you gonna grab both devices and go hmm this could be better.


Well-known member
Nov 4, 2012
I'd venture as far as to say the Moto X actually has a more color accurate screen than the HTC One, from what I've seen. The HTC One is brighter, but it has a pretty clear blue shift. Its display probably has the best blacks I've seen from any LCD, though still not as good as AMOLED obviously.

Personally there is no trade off value of the HTC one unless you're talking Google edition to me, even then I wouldn't take it over my moto.

Posted via Android Central App


Well-known member
Sep 13, 2013
If you want reassurance about your purchase, price out the 32GB version vs. an iPhone. $50 less plus free Skip and $10 google play credit. Plus I have a droid to trade in to the $100 moto promo. $140 is a good deal.


Super Moderator
Jun 8, 2010
I realized before I bought the Moto X it wasnt the most high end smartphone that was available.
However (yup there is an however) :).
I researched a few phones before I purchased them(3 phones to be exact).The things I liked more about the Moto X was the physical size of phone(and yet a nice size screen).The smoothness of its Operating system(No Lag to speak of) The very little out of box bloatware(compaired to other phones out of box).Also yes I have rooted phones before and had custom Roms on them.
The camera isnt a deal breaker for me ( Im sure for others it is)
The 16 gb of storage wasnt a huge factor.But my other phones did have 32gb.
The things that this phone doesnt come with I can get out of the playstore.
To sum it up I think its worth the time to research several phones and compair before you make your purchase.Decide before you buy which are your top priorities in a phone and use that as a starting point.So this phone was worth the price I paid to me.


Well-known member
Apr 24, 2011
My main concern holding me back is mainly the display, it looked fine until I compared it against the HTC One or even the MIni, I do realize LCD verse Amoled issues, I currently have a Samsung Galaxy Express thru ATT with a crappy 206 PPI display along with some lag issues, is it normal for the whites against the background to have a yellowish tint ? Also for the people who have the HTC One with it's gorgeous display, was it worth the tradeoff to give up that display for the other positives of the Moto X ? I will tell you one thing though, one can drive themselves nuts over the various phone choices !!

So the display looked fine. Then you compared it to the HTC One and you're concerned because whenever you use the X you'll be holding the One in the other hand and it just won't look right? If it looked fine I don't get what the hold up is. No matter what phone you get, there will be some other phone that has a better something. If it looked fine then just go with it.

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