has anyone damanged their Verizon Galaxy Note 2 yet? (scratch, dent, crack, water, fire, etc)

I dropped my N2 from less than a foot and my screen shattered. So much for gorilla glass.... I must have spider monkey glass.. Lol

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Error, that sucks. I drop my phone probably a few times a week, and no cracked screen yet. I do have insurance with no deductible and no claim limit though, so not too worried

Sent from my Verizon Samsung Galaxy Note II
had mine 3 days when i pulled out of my pocket and down to the ground it went. gots a nice long crack from bottom to top where it V's out.

i've dropped this phone more in the one week i've had it then all other phones combined. they musta coated it with slick.

this is also the first phone that actually broke from dropping. only other phone i had break was the recent bionic. it lost the power button and 2 inches of side molding. and that didn't happen from dropping. it just fell apart.
I'm typically very OCD about protecting my devices, but got a bit careless the other day and dropped it getting in the car. It hit the bottom of the car door frame, then landed on the concrete garage floor. :( Ended up with only a small scuff on the front edge of the silver trim near the headphone jack thanks to it being in the Monaco leather pouch.
Mine fell into a 1 inch deep puddle while getting out of the car. The flip cover opened and popped off allowing the battery to fall out, proably what saved phone as it still works fine and only recieved slight dammage on the chrome part of the s pen and the area surrounding. I replaced the s pen and found the entire body for the phone on Amazon for only 20 dollars which contains the chrome surrounding the phone. My Note II now wears the Samdung bump case and a waterproof case "bag". I have dropped it several times since but it has recieved no dammage as this combination seems to quite well for me making my Note II waterproof as a bonus.
I have a US Cellular note 2 that needs a screen. I found a Verizon note 2 phone without a motherboard online. I was just wondering if anyone knows if a US Cellular note 2 motherboard will fit in a Verizon note 2 phone?
I dropped my note 2 face down, no case, and the entire screen cracked. I got my insurance replacement and have since installed the otterbox commuter. The defender is WAY to bulky for my taste.
I dropped my note 2 face down, no case, and the entire screen cracked. I got my insurance replacement and have since installed the otterbox commuter. The defender is WAY to bulky for my taste.
I find the back of the Commuter too slick. If it was grippier it would be just the ticket. Perhaps I could put something grippy on it.

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