As I said, I have the Eris and I think I am going to exchange it for the Droid simply because the battery is apparently better... Did any one use both devices that can clear this up for me? (or talk me out)
As I said, I have the Eris and I think I am going to exchange it for the Droid simply because the battery is apparently better... Did any one use both devices that can clear this up for me? (or talk me out)
As I said, I have the Eris and I think I am going to exchange it for the Droid simply because the battery is apparently better... Did any one use both devices that can clear this up for me? (or talk me out)
The battery life on the Droid has been exceptional for me. Getting a full day out of any smartphone seems like quite an accomplishment. I also carry a spare battery around when I'm traveling just in case. It's really easy to pop a new one in really quick.