Having many posting issues here, how do we get help??


Well-known member
Sep 18, 2015
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1. Pics are posting sideways
2. Some replies I make do not post because I get an error that says "Stay on page or leave page" when I hit post.
3. Some replies I make double post
4. I use 100MB internet service and AC takes FOREVER to load

Thank you

B. Diddy

Senior Ambassador
Mar 9, 2012
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The sideways pic posting has been an issue for a little while. I have found that if you rotate the pic on your computer first, then rotate it back, it uploads correctly. Go figure.

The "Stay on Page or Leave Page" issue can be a bit annoying as well. When that happens after you try to post something, the post most likely went through, so you can click Leave Page. If you want to be sure, click Stay on Page first, then copy all of your text. Click Submit again, and this time click Leave Page. If it didn't post successfully, then at least you can just try again and just paste your copied text.

The double posting might be due to the Stay on Page/Leave Page bug.

By all means, contact the site admins with your issues: Contact | Android Central