
Well-known member
Dec 15, 2009
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Hello well im new to Android Central.

i have a Blackberry Curve 8330 right now but i really want to switch to the Android OS.

So i just want to know like the points and like rules and stuff.

And another thing im really confused because people are saying that the HTC Bravo is the European Version of the HTC Passion which is the Nexus One so are they all the same?

And also the phone i really want is the HTC Legend since it supposedly is a HTC Hero 2 so im guessing for sure that sprint will get it.

And I was wondering if Nexus One will be on sprint too to get that one better and will the Nexus One have HTC sense in it?

So thank u for reading and if u can please answer my questions please and thank u! :D


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Jan 14, 2010
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i'm new here as well i found this forum by google. i first thought it was a dragonball forun 'cuz of the name "android" haha reminds me of android 17


Well-known member
Dec 8, 2009
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Hey. I am switching myself from sprint and an Blackberry 8330. I decided to go all the way, and got the Motorola Droid. I should have it in my hands tomorrow evening at the latest, hopefully. Will let you know something when i get it, as it is also my first android device.


Well-known member
Jan 5, 2010
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hello Krisrock, Welcome.

Don't expect a million replies to your query - no knock on you - no knock on this forum. But, you're issue is not unique and the forum is just NOT a very active forum. I come from Crackberry where there would literaly be 50 replies to this post within a few hours. To have nearly a month go by with ZERO responses is kinda' sad. However, traffic is building, if we build it, they will come.

I had a BB 8330 and it died. I gave Motorola Droid on Verizon a tesrt drive and was just blown away.

Try Android - nearly every carrier has some sort of test drive option. Just try it out.

Roy Aguilera

Wow, The general chat forum on this site is pretty dead. Can't believe his question has not been answered.

The Nexus and Bravo are not the same phone.
Nexus will be T-Mo and VZW only for now. However some are already running it on ATT.


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2010
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hey kris, welcome. I don't have an answer to your question, but thought I'd say hello. I too, am a fellow current BBer coming over from crackberry--may be holding out for the G.N.O. for Verizon in the Spring.