After recording two 4GB video files (of child's program nonetheless), the file naturally appeared in my DCIM/CAMERA folder. Using QuickPic, I moved to file (using MOVE TO) to another 'pic' folder on file system (KidsProgram) containing all the stuff related to the Kid's program..
Bottom line, the files now appear to be gone.. they are simply NOT in "kidsprogram" folder, and.. are no longer in DCIM/CAMERA folder... I was shocked and not happy.. I thought it might be the SIZE of file, so I recreated same behavior by FTPing a 3.5GB video file (mp4), placing it in Camera folder (its there).. I then did a MOVE TO action, and.... that 3.5GB video file is now nowhere to be found using MYFILES, QuickPic, Gallery, AstroFileManager, and ESFileExplorer. tried to see if it was "hidden".. doesn't pull up.. I searched entire phone using app tools (and USB connectivity) and .. nothing. I'm sad... Any ideas on how I can find, possibly retrieve this mysteriously gone video???
Bottom line, the files now appear to be gone.. they are simply NOT in "kidsprogram" folder, and.. are no longer in DCIM/CAMERA folder... I was shocked and not happy.. I thought it might be the SIZE of file, so I recreated same behavior by FTPing a 3.5GB video file (mp4), placing it in Camera folder (its there).. I then did a MOVE TO action, and.... that 3.5GB video file is now nowhere to be found using MYFILES, QuickPic, Gallery, AstroFileManager, and ESFileExplorer. tried to see if it was "hidden".. doesn't pull up.. I searched entire phone using app tools (and USB connectivity) and .. nothing. I'm sad... Any ideas on how I can find, possibly retrieve this mysteriously gone video???