HELP - Some App Called 10241 is Draining My Battery


Nov 5, 2011
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My Galaxy S7 started unusual power usage today. I first noticed it getting unusually warm, several times during the day. Then I noticed it was needing a charge, something which almost never happens during the day. After charging up, it went from full power to 8% in just two and a half hours. When checking on battery usage, it listed an app I have never seen before, with just the name 10241, and same icon as the Android OS, using a whole lot of power (below screen but more than Android OS.) The force stop and disable buttons have no effect. I have searched online for any information about this "10241" but can find nothing. Sounds an awful lot like a virus, but Kaspersky doesn't find anything. Is anyone else having this issue? Help!!!
Followup - my battery is draining so fast, that on the charger it is still losing charge, or barely holding steady. A reboot and cold restart didn't help. I have had no choice but to turn the phone off and charge it while it is off tonight so I'll have at least some usuable time int he morning. This cannot go on. HELP!!!! Please!!!!
Last edited:
Apr 20, 2016
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bro.. it is dueto camera plugins problems ..... founded on iOS 7
bt now it is fixed
now u can simply found a solution by removing it
it not removable then check it on google and try its first link


Nov 5, 2011
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I appreciate your attempt to help, but I am not really understanding what you are saying. What is a "dueto camera?" and what does anything on iOS have to do with Android?


Nov 5, 2011
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Oh, I see. "Due to camera." Still doesn;t help/ What camera plug-ins? I don;t have any additional camera software except what came with the phone. What needs to be removed?


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Jun 3, 2011
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When any process runs on the phone, the system assigns it a process ID number. If an app is deleted or a process becomes orphaned, the system no longer has an app name to associate with that process ID and the battery use associated with that app will now appear with the process ID instead of the app name.
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Nov 5, 2011
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This morning I rebooted the phone in safe mode. Even in safe mode, it is depleting the battery at a rate that will only give me 4 hours of run time. In 15 minutes of run time the phone battery is already down to 89%. Clearly this is a system or battery problem, right?


Nov 5, 2011
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I have now cleared the system cache. Still having the massive battery drain. This is with only Android System, Screen, and Android OS showing on the battery usage screen. 28 minutes on battery and down to 82% and running warm, estimating 3 hours time remaining.


Nov 5, 2011
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This is insane. My phone is sitting on the wireless fast charger pad, and the amount of time it shows to full charge from 83% (after having only been on a short time) keeps getting longer! (Same happens with charger plugged in directly, so it's not an issue with the wireless fast charging.) Battery info still shows nothing except the usual three Android System, OS, and Screen using the battery.


Well-known member
Sep 8, 2012
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Same problem.
Downloaded the latest Verizon update about a week ago.
First day the battery life was improved.
Each day after that battery life got a little shorter.
Today battery life is incredibly short.
The only app I've recently installed is Instagram.
Phone is running very hot.
Uninstalled Instagram.
Checked battery information and see
"10215"... it's using 14% of the battery.
If there is a way to uninstall it I don't know what it is. It's not listed under application manager.
Phone is so hot I took the case off hoping to cool off the phone. Battery is at 48% after 4 hours and 18 minutes and 1 hour and 32 minutes of screen time.
I have not recently installed any new camera apps or add-ons


Well-known member
Sep 8, 2012
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Alanhd, I didn't think of trying safe mode. I finally got fed up with it (and worried about the over heating) so I just turned it OFF and put it on the charger. Today, no over heating. The "10215" app is gone from the list of apps in the battery section and the battery is draining about like it was prior to the over heating ordeal. The day I did the upgrade, the battery life was probably 25% better but it only lasted a day. I wish I could get the battery life I had with my S5.
Dec 5, 2016
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Did you found any solution now ? I have this issue happen with my Xperia xz too.

My Galaxy S7 started unusual power usage today. I first noticed it getting unusually warm, several times during the day. Then I noticed it was needing a charge, something which almost never happens during the day. After charging up, it went from full power to 8% in just two and a half hours. When checking on battery usage, it listed an app I have never seen before, with just the name 10241, and same icon as the Android OS, using a whole lot of power (below screen but more than Android OS.) The force stop and disable buttons have no effect. I have searched online for any information about this "10241" but can find nothing. Sounds an awful lot like a virus, but Kaspersky doesn't find anything. Is anyone else having this issue? Help!!!
Followup - my battery is draining so fast, that on the charger it is still losing charge, or barely holding steady. A reboot and cold restart didn't help. I have had no choice but to turn the phone off and charge it while it is off tonight so I'll have at least some usuable time int he morning. This cannot go on. HELP!!!! Please!!!!

Mach Fiver

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Nov 10, 2012
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I'm also seeing apps that are listed as numbers with the generic android app icon except I have not just one but about 5 or so of them and i can't find them in app manager even with system apps showing which is puzzling because my understanding there are only two types of apps on an android OS either system or user. So if they aren't one of those wtf app type are they and how are they circumventing the designation because I'm assuming that they must be located in one of the app folders for then to be able to run at all if that is true. I became aware of them when looking at my data usage and the apps listing amounts of data used. I haven't.checked to see if I also can see them in battery usage too. The only thing I can do to affect their behavior at all is to limit their ability to use data when running in the background. I can't force stop or uninstall or disable the buttons don't exist and they also have the designation of restricted when looking at them in the app list. They are also the only apps that are on the phone that are listed as restricted. I'm thinking that they are either a virus or are from my carrier and are used for whatever underhanded purpose I have arbitrarily agreed to in their eula or maybe Google's spyware. In any event I believe they spy for the collection of marketing data so I can be better harassed by advertising more effectively. Though if I was spammed to buy air I'd rather die than buy it from an online advert. I despise online marketing so much and how much it invades my usage of my phone constantly. I'm dreading the day when I'm bombarded while using the built in phone and text message apps. I hate how relentless it has become.

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