Help with apps?


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Sep 9, 2011
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Ok, so I just got my mesmerize yesterday, and I have the 5gb data package. I was wondering if I have to worry about apps like facebook, google sky maps, yahoo mail, stuff like that, using data even when they are off. Also, can apps that need gps activate it even if they arent running in the task manager?

Last question, will it save me a significant amount of data to kill services that use data as soon as I finish, or does it not matter, and I can just let them die on their own.

Oh yea, and if I go to Apps-settings-applications-manage- then the app, the thing that says data, is that how much data it has used so far?


Apr 4, 2011
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Trust me, don't worry about coming close to the 5 gig limit. I stream Pandora an hour a day and I'm fine. Just install 3g watchdog and see what your usage is like


Nov 26, 2011
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yea the 5GB limit is a ton of data. Most apps you don't have to worry about all that much. As rocky2 said an hour a day on something like pandora (which uses a ton of data) is usually fine but if you are using something like that all day everyday that might be a little different story. also apps like netflix or anything that streams music, movies, or video you kind of want to watch how much you use, but as long as you don't go to crazy with them you should be fine (except for netflix cause that probably uses the most amount of data out of all of them). What would also help you is trying to be on wi-fi whenever possible especially when using those streaming apps because when you are using wi-fi you are not using your data package and it does not count against you. also downloading that app that rocky2 mentioned will give you a good idea of what you are using.


Well-known member
Feb 22, 2011
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Ok, so I just got my mesmerize yesterday, and I have the 5gb data package. I was wondering if I have to worry about apps like facebook, google sky maps, yahoo mail, stuff like that, using data even when they are off. Also, can apps that need gps activate it even if they arent running in the task manager?

Last question, will it save me a significant amount of data to kill services that use data as soon as I finish, or does it not matter, and I can just let them die on their own.

Oh yea, and if I go to Apps-settings-applications-manage- then the app, the thing that says data, is that how much data it has used so far?

Just wanted to jump in real quick to answer this. When your looking at the app details page...that's your user data for that particular app. For instance, your progress in Angry Birds (ie how many levels you've unlocked)...not how much data its has used. Hope that explains it. :)

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Dec 21, 2010
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Just a little side note. 5GB of data is approximately 166MB per day.

I think the most I've used in a day is about 140MB, and that was streaming and installing apps. I'm on wifi at home and usually end up using less than 500MB per month.

The best thing to do is install 3G Watchdog and see how much data you are really using.


Nov 26, 2011
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Just wanted to jump in real quick to answer this. When your looking at the app details page...that's your user data for that particular app. For instance, your progress in Angry Birds (ie how many levels you've unlocked)...not how much data its has used. Hope that explains it.

good observation... completely overlooked that part of the question lol haha


New member
Dec 26, 2011
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I have to agree with everyone who has mentioned the app 3G Watchdog. its wonderfully helpful, very easy to use, and of course its free! I have defenitely benefitted from using it, and its always the first app I download when I get a new phone.

*CrazyMatt is in no way affiliated with the makers of 3G Watchdog. LOL ;-)

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