
Welcome! You have an S6 or are you thinking of getting one?

Thanks guys!

I bought one.. well my cousin bought one and I'm gonna pay him when he comes but I'm having doubts about the actual phone.. I posted a thread.. waiting on a mod to approve it :3
Thanks guys!

I bought one.. well my cousin bought one and I'm gonna pay him when he comes but I'm having doubts about the actual phone.. I posted a thread.. waiting on a mod to approve it :3

I used to know some people... let's see if we can make that happen.
I checked that out :3
None of it seemed to be on the one I'm talking about except the screen difference.. which Aquilla said might just be a different theme :3
Hey guys! Just joined :3

Mainly to read up as much as I can about the S6 ._.
:cool: No matter the reason to read or participate in the Q&A
Exchange welcome,.just curious what the :3 stand for
and as the other members, wish you enjoy the Site

Latest update on this Intro..thread-Heha!
LoL >> Thx OP for clarify my Qstn.?
Last edited:
:cool: No matter the reason to read or participate in the Q&A
Exchange welcome,.just curious what the :3 stand for
and as the other members, wish you enjoy the Site
Lol its like my go to emojii :3
See there I did it again haha
Hello and welcome to the forums at Android Central!

There are many of us here using Samsung devices. So don't be afraid to ask questions.

I had the GS4, GS5, GS6 edge and now the GS7 edge. So you can say I know my way around these phones. 👍😎

Don't forget to post after playing with your new device.

Sent From the Edge of the Seventh Galaxy
Hey @HorusFX! Warm Welcome to AndroidCentral :D

Last phone I had was the M7 ._.
So its a biggggggg leap xD

That is a pretty big step up. I love it when we get a new phone and its so much better than the last. Makes the purchase that much more special. One of the reasons my sister didn't get the Galaxy S6 was because there is no MicroSD card slot, but otherwise, she loved it.

Hope to see you around the forums. Don't be shy to ask questions.

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