Hired by Sprint as a phone-tech!!!


New member
Apr 17, 2012
Let me start off by saying why this is such an amazing opportunity for me. Feel free to skip to the TL;DR at the bottom!

I am 17 and currently enrolled in a charter high school. I was enrolled in a normal high school, but around my 16th birthday I had to move out and get my own apartment. I had to enroll in a charter school so that I could work and make $$$ to pay the bills. It was then that I felt like I had ****ed up, my dream of going to a four-year university and making my career in the wireless industry was dead. Despite becoming a manager at my current job, I still had to search for another job because I wasn't making enough. I do my rounds, throwing my resume at any business that is hiring. I decided to apply to a few 3rd party Sprint stores as a sales rep, not really thinking I even had a chance. Surprisingly, I got called for an interview!!

I had never been more nervous for an interview in my life. During the group interview I realized the other candidates were way more qualified for the position than I was, simply by the fact that they were all adults. I told the interviewer I was 17, and almost immediately I saw him lose interest in me. He wouldn't even make eye contact with me, and was not taking me seriously at all. Figured I'm already here, might as well give it my best shot. First question, why do you want to work here? The other two gave horrible answers. When it was my turn I brought up Softbank and how them buying 72% of Sprint is going to do give Sprint the opportunity to really compete against the other major 3. "Right now is the best time to jump on the Sprint wagon, Sprint is going anywhere but up from here!" Immediately I saw the interviewer have some interest in me. At the end of the interview, he asked the other two to leave and brought in the head of phone-techs to come in and interview me! Then he asked me "Would you consider being a phone-tech instead of a sales rep?"

WHAT?! A phone tech?! Me? No way! I didn't even think I qualified to be a sales rep, but for them to offer me a job as a phone-tech was amazing. I nearly pissed all over myself after hearing that, I was so full of excitement it was like being full of pee, I just wanted to let it all out! I did my best to stay calm, did my interview with the other guy, and walked out with a smile on my face!
The next day I got a call back, and I start work on Monday!! 30-40 hours a week, with opportunities for over-time!

I'm sure I've already shared enough of my life to a bunch of random people who I do not know at all, but if you can't tell, I'm excited as hell. This really is a great opportunity for me to take my first step into my future career! Even though it's a preferred retailer and not a corporate Sprint store, this is something I'm passionate about and will enjoy doing! In reality this job is more than just a stable job, and is going to help pull me out of the rut i'm in now, and make it easier to get my life together.

TL;DR: I got a job as a phone tech at Sprint, and I couldn't be any happier!!! :cool:
Congratulations! That's a great story. If you're stumped by any issues on the job, feel free to ask about them here, and we'll do our best to help you out!
I live in San Diego, but the location I'm working at is in Pacific Beach. It's like a good 20 minute drive but I don't mind at all! ^_^

Better than me. I work at Barnes and Noble and its around a 40 minute drive for me.

Posted via Droid RAZR M on the Android Central App
A 20 minute drive in Los Angeles would be like next door!
Better than me. I work at Barnes and Noble and its around a 40 minute drive for me.

Posted via Droid RAZR M on the Android Central App

You think thats bad? When i worked for my last employer i had to go about 98 miles one way burned a tank of gas a day got home around 7 and woke up at 3 am was out the door by 4 (at the most) fought new orleans traffic (seriously blew balls) for 2 months the shortest was to an oil refinery 45 mins away

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congratulations kid you get to open up phones for a living something i would do for fun :) and play with factory resets hehheehe i just pitty you when the miss informed masses come to swarm and ***** bc they messed up their phones lol good luck

Sent from my HTC One X+ using AC Forums mobile app

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