Home and App switcher button disappears, notification menu too

Matt H5

New member
Nov 11, 2019
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Hey All,

Hopefully someone here can point me in the right direction. Whenever I plug my note 10+ into charge, the home and app switcher buttons disappear from the bottom of the phone. The buttons can not be used at all. The only button still there is the back button. Also the swipe down function to get the notification menu / quick access bar to come down from the top stops working.

The only way I've found to resolve this is to restart the phone.

Sometimes it will eventually come back on if i let the phone sit for a while, but I can't find any sure way to reproduce or force it to come back.

I checked many of the settings to make sure nothing changed. If I change from buttons to gestures, the home and app switcher button/swipe still dont work.

Not sure what else to try besides resetting the entire device to factory.

I managed to get everything to come back twice now. The first time just scrolling through the settings app. Tried reproducing this after plugging the phone in again and couldn’t get it to come back. Second time I got the buttons to come back by running an app update through galaxy store. I believe it was the notes app.

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