Homemade wireless charger


Well-known member
Sep 10, 2010
https://youtu.be/B8igLaURfVU has anybody tried this ? Do they work or will it ruin your phone. Is there any actual wireless chargers for the G5. The factory code is so short and its nice not to have to worry about a cord
I believe you can get a back for the device with the wireless charging coil, and then you can use any QI wireless charger...
But the point of this is that u don't have to rest your phone on the charging pad in order for it to charge. This says up to 50ft
I seen it on facebook months ago... After watching it ehhhh maybe it might work...... More likely it will burn ur house down
There are so many reasons I love YouTube. Then are the jerkoffs who post dumb things like this. It doesn't work. Don't bother. Don't try it. If you see aluminum foil in a vid it's a troll job 99% of the time.
In order to do that the conventional way, you would have to have a massive magnetic field that would require a power station to fuel. And the resultant magnetic fields would fry all your devices and you.. the laws of physics apply here. That is a load of codswallop.
In order to do that the conventional way, you would have to have a massive magnetic field that would require a power station to fuel. And the resultant magnetic fields would fry all your devices and you.. the laws of physics apply here. That is a load of codswallop.

Theres a second video after the first that is similar but using a black cable. You can see that when he turns on the power that the video was stopped and restarted so the charging symbol is just an animation that he turns on. The foil serves no purpose and the wires aren't coiled properly. Like others have stated you would need to transmit a much higher voltage for it to transmit distances. If it could be done safely and efficiently it would have been done already