Horrible battery life.


Oct 27, 2010
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Barely 10 hours on a given day. Like am I too much of a power user or something. I hear people getting all sorts of hours. Especially in the twenties. I would love that. I wouldn't complain right now. Is it about that time I get a new one from sprint. Work some magic.
I use apps like whatsapp, wordfeud, xda, android Central. Go SMS. Nothing else consistently. I just don't know why it depletes. Right out of the box I noticed a significant fall off. Of course with my luck, I'll get the ty battery life lol. I can't wait to hear about what yall think. Let me know central world.
sent from my EVOLTE MILF Hunter


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Sep 3, 2011
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Wow. Are you away from wifi most of the day? If not, try turning that on.

Your usage seems to be pretty low, (unless the screen is always number one on all these phones).


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May 31, 2012
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My phone is exactly the same, is your screen on 100% brightness. Turning that to 50% makes a big difference. Also try a battery saver app that might help. Switch off mobile connection when you are not using your phone and turn it on when you come to use it that's some good ways to save battery.

Sent from my HTC Desire using Android Central Forums

Starfleet Captain

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Aug 3, 2010
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I noticed that your voice calls seem to be higher than the others who posted screen shots showing their fantastic battery life. If you do not believe you we on the phone for long, then I would ask how good the signal reception is? Poor signal is the number 1 battery killer, as the phone is always searching for the best signal, switching between Roaming Towers and network towers, and going in and out of service. Also, check to see that your LTE radio is not switched on.


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Sep 3, 2011
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^his signal strength is about average. You can tell that from the signal meter in the screen shot, it is mostly dark yellow with bit of green. You only get a lot of green if you are near a sprint tower.

I always laugh when people post about amazing battery life, and never talk other phone and are always connected to wifi.

For those of us who talks a lot on our phones, no smartphone will offer proper battery life (except the RAZR MAXX), car chargers are our friend.

Starfleet Captain

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Aug 3, 2010
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^his signal strength is about average. You can tell that from the signal meter in the screen shot, it is mostly dark yellow with bit of green. You only get a lot of green if you are near a sprint tower.

I always laugh when people post about amazing battery life, and never talk other phone and are always connected to wifi.

For those of us who talks a lot on our phones, no smartphone will offer proper battery life (except the RAZR MAXX), car chargers are our friend.

Yeah, I noticed that. But that is just a screen shot. It is not an indication of his or her situation throughout the day. I'd be willing to bet that the phone usage was the culprit with the poor battery showing.


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May 25, 2012
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I charged mine up to 100% before bed last night then removed it from the charger. 8 hours later (no use of course) it was still at 100%. My 3D wouldn't do that.


Linux: The power beneath
May 31, 2010
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Barely 10 hours on a given day. Like am I too much of a power user or something. I hear people getting all sorts of hours. Especially in the twenties. I would love that. I wouldn't complain right now. Is it about that time I get a new one from sprint. Work some magic.
I use apps like whatsapp, wordfeud, xda, android Central. Go SMS. Nothing else consistently. I just don't know why it depletes. Right out of the box I noticed a significant fall off. Of course with my luck, I'll get the ty battery life lol. I can't wait to hear about what yall think. Let me know central world.
sent from my EVOLTE MILF Hunter

The info you have provided is not enough to form any conclusions at all.

1) What is your screen on time?
2) What is your Sprint signal throughout the day?
3) Are you connected to WiFi during the day? How long?
4) How long were the total of any/all phone calls?
5) Show us the CPU usage and awake time by clicking on "Android OS" under battery use.
6) Compare this life to your previous phone used the same way. Results?
7) How many charge cycles have you been through before those results?
8) What settings have you changed, if any?
9) How many text messages did you send?
10) What was the ambient lighting like throughout the screen-on time?

Barring bugs, what will use the most power is the screen and the radios.


Well-known member
May 4, 2010
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Battery seems significantly better for me with normal use compared to my EVO 4G, our EVO Design 4G, or the GNex.
One thing I noticed is that overnight idle drain is basically non-existent.

DC Wuff

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Nov 26, 2009
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Battery life is absolutely incredible for the way I use my phone, compared to EVO4G or EVO3D. I don't do too many voice calls, but I do a moderate amount of texting, Facebook and Twitter checking, a little web browsing, and some GMail. The battery easily lasts all day in a fringe signal area with no WiFi. Was regularly sitting at 65% after 12 hours on battery under these conditions last week while on a business trip.

Even yesterday when I spent most of son's flag football game taking burst-mode photos, the battery still held up amazingly well.


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Jul 7, 2011
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got the p0hone yesterday morning. played with it most of the day. Had it charged to 99% at 7pm. At 345am I was at 2%. I was texting, taking pics, updating facebook all night and going in and out of service for a total of 20mis or so(subway). I would have never even pulled my OG evo out of my pocket, and I STILL would have had to change batteries


Well-known member
Nov 14, 2009
I've had my phone for a week and my battery life has blown my mind. With my OG Evo and 3D, I'd never make it through the day. See screen shot from my LTE. This is a daily occurring and I use my phone A LOT.

WIFI ON (always)
Screen Brightness ~30%
LTE is turned OFF
Screen Timeout is 30 seconds
SetCPU is set to ondemand. My min is 348MHz and max is 1512MHz

I'm rooted and running stock rom.


Well-known member
Nov 14, 2011
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ive posted this screenshot in the other battery thread but ill put it here again. sorry that youre getting bad battery life but maybe theres a prob with your phone. people all over this forum are reporting defects in many different areas but this is the first ive heard of bad battery life. anyway, heres mine. almost 44 hours before i plugged it in with regular and sometimes more than regular use since i still cant put the thing down...


Well-known member
May 31, 2010
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Compared to my last two phones (OG EVO, EVO 3D), the Evo LTE is light years ahead on battery life ... I am always around a charging source, but I have found myself MAKING myself not plug my phone in just to see how long I can actually go ... I am on 29hrs and 24% percent right now ... AMAZING ... Hell with my OG EVO I had 3 batteries and used them in rotation often.


Jan 11, 2011
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Incredible battery so far. Ive been going for 9 hours and I'm at 60% full. Wifi on and off and a lot of roaming. SOOOOO much better than my 3d


Active member
Jun 11, 2010
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Barely 10 hours on a given day. Like am I too much of a power user or something. I hear people getting all sorts of hours. Especially in the twenties. I would love that. I wouldn't complain right now. Is it about that time I get a new one from sprint. Work some magic.
I use apps like whatsapp, wordfeud, xda, android Central. Go SMS. Nothing else consistently. I just don't know why it depletes. Right out of the box I noticed a significant fall off. Of course with my luck, I'll get the ty battery life lol. I can't wait to hear about what yall think. Let me know central world.
sent from my EVOLTE MILF Hunter

I've had my phone over a week first couple day was getting about 8hrs at heavy use now a lot better a about 15 hrs heavy use....

Sent from my EVO using Android Central Forums

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