Hotspot with Pixel 2 XL


New member
Aug 7, 2014
I just got the Google unlocked version of the 2 XL. running it with my Verizon SIM card I get the "To use Mobile HotSpot, please call and pay Verizon more money" error.

I'm on the unlimited plan and my old Moto X Pure addition phone worked fine with that phone. So I was surprised to find out that the Unlocked version still had the check built in.

Are there any hacks that get me around this without rooting?

Let me know.
Same experience here. Unlocked P2, grandfathered Verizon UDP.

Attempts to tether using my P2 are unsuccessful under normal conditions; I get the subscription check.

Tethering on my Nexus 6P and Moto E4 Plus (both unlocked) works fine with the same SIM.
@sixty_four - as Aquila asked the OP - have you confirmed with Verizon that you have tethering permitted on your plan? If not, you were using a loophole. Said loophole was opened by the phone, not the carrier, so Verizon owes you nothing.
@sixty_four - as Aquila asked the OP - have you confirmed with Verizon that you have tethering permitted on your plan? If not, you were using a loophole. Said loophole was opened by the phone, not the carrier, so Verizon owes you nothing.

At what point did I say Verizon owed me free tethering or asked for a work-around? I was just reporting my experiences.

I understand the terms of my plan and why it works on some phones and not others. I don't need you to advise me about what I feel I'm owed by my carrier.
At what point did I say Verizon owed me free tethering or asked for a work-around? I was just reporting my experiences.

I understand the terms of my plan and why it works on some phones and not others. I don't need you to advise me about what I feel I'm owed by my carrier.

Most people don't have the same viewpoint as you. Most will feel that since it used to work they were owed that it continues to work.
Just make sure it is enabled for your plan. I switched to an unlocked Pixel from an iPhone about 4 months ago and have no issue using the hotspot right at the get go.
On the grandfathered unlimited plan the hotspot functionality is a paid add-on, either $29.99 or $30.00 (sorry I forget which). The way to double-check that it is enabled is by calling customer service or by checking online that the subscription is active. If it is active and still isn't working then the SIM may need to be reprovisioned.
Most people don't have the same viewpoint as you. Most will feel that since it used to work they were owed that it continues to work.

Yeah, well I would've thought that most of those on the "Q&A Team" would be better at not jumping to conclusions.
Whoa chill out everyone. Let's not turn something small into a big deal. You said your peace -- let it be :).

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