This is extremely funny.
Every single year without fail it's the same thing. "where is the update, this company is so slow at updates, I'm leaving this network next time".
Then, "hooray the update is here".
Followed by "this update sucks, how to I go back, I hate the update".
I'm not missing a single thing and the ability to have more apps in multi window is a feature I have been wanting since I haven't been able to root.
I have been using widget solid for ages, I can easily see which wifi network I'm using and switch between wifi networks using that. I also have themes from the samsung theme store, so if there is something wrong with the background colors, I don't notice, and none of my notification or ringtones have changed.
I also use nova launcher and the only folders I have are on the dock and I can add any shortcut that I choose.
Some people simple don't like change and don't have the patience to figure out how to get around the "problems" they run into.