How do I sell my unlimited data! Please show me the way.

When was the last time you heard someone do an AOL. This change is actually fairly recent. Few weeks

Just transferred a business line over to an employee last week. Unlimited data was retained. He brought it in under an existing verizon account though. The only way I see it being a problem is if the account has less than a year remaining as I believe it's automatically bumped up to a one year contract. May be wrong on that but I could see where it might be a problem.
Just transferred a business line over to an employee last week. Unlimited data was retained. He brought it in under an existing verizon account though. The only way I see it being a problem is if the account has less than a year remaining as I believe it's automatically bumped up to a one year contract. May be wrong on that but I could see where it might be a problem.

I stand corrected then. I was told the policy had changed. Guess there's more to it.

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Doing an AOL is pretty easy and straight foward. They wont even ask questions, but like dphamm00 noted, you AOL your line and the unlimited feature will not be availible to them.

For clarification AOL=Assumption of liability; means you transfer responsibility or ownership of your line to somone else.

If you have unlimited data and you still have a contract left the unlimited data will transfer over
so for clarification if the Unlimited account that I want to assume is NOT currently under a contract wit the original owner I wont be able to assume the account and KEEP the unlimited?

Thanks Joe
ok i just obtained an unlimited line by doing the AOL....all went smooth. I thought i might loose the unlimited in the change to my account but didnt happen. Im holding onto my main line until a figure a way to change the number on the unlimited account. For thise on the fence pull the trigger, the 4g unlimited hotspot (for 30 more a month) in available. Jump on in.
I decided on NOT adding the 4g hotspot even the CSR said its a waste and referred me to foxfi...go figure. thanks to all thats posted. Joe

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