How do I send a custom GIF????


Well-known member
Jul 16, 2014
Curious if anyone has figured out how to send a custom gif? It's a cool feature but every time I try to send or share its just sends as a picture. Can someone help please. Also I'm sorry if this has been discussed already. Kinda new here
Curious if anyone has figured out how to send a custom gif? It's a cool feature but every time I try to send or share its just sends as a picture. Can someone help please. Also I'm sorry if this has been discussed already. Kinda new here

Email and sending through SMS compresses the image so that it is sent as a picture. You would have to put the gif on dropbox or something like that and send the link to whoever you want to share the gif with.
Curious if anyone has figured out how to send a custom gif? It's a cool feature but every time I try to send or share its just sends as a picture. Can someone help please. Also I'm sorry if this has been discussed already. Kinda new here

It was covered in another thread. If your GIF gets turned into a still picture depends on what texting program you are using, and if it limits the size of attachments you can send (and if that gif is above that size).

If you're on Verizon I suggest you try Messages+, and if not that you check to see if your texting app has a limit on attachment size. You can also shrink or crop your gif to make it smaller, but that would be more work than a one time change of your attachment size setting, or a change of your texting app.
So frustrating...... I've made several videos and had a fun time turning them into gifs to find out they're too large to text away!!

I tried a lower quality, shorter gifs ( less than 5 seconds ) and even compressed them but still no luck ugh !?!?

Oh well ....... he would've enjoyed but I guess it wasn't meant to be ???
After a weekend of making a few videos I tried to make GIFs out part of them and still no luck.

I cut the videos into 5 seconds or less GIFs and even downloaded an app to compress the GIFs to about 4 MB and they're still too large ??

Oh well !?!? They were fun making and playing with haaaaa !!
Per tip on another thread use Google photos and forget crappy animated gifs and send the cloud link Google photo creates instead via text. That way the recipient can watch the real deal!

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