How do I set a sound for outgoing email and sms/text msgs on Galaxy s7?


Well-known member
Oct 4, 2016
My iPhone used to make a cool “whoosh” sound to confirm the sending of email and text messages. Does the Galaxy s7 have this feature? If so, how can I set it up?

When searching online, it appears that this is not a feature of the s7. If this is true, can anyone recommend an app for this?


Reply to chanchan: Thank you. I took a look at Chomp. It seems to offer many features. Is it fairly easy to set up? If so, I'll give it a try.

I could not find any other way to reply here aside from editing my question! This forum is so full of ads that each keystroke is painfully slow to display and clicking on a link results in a very long wait with the "twirly thing" twirling for a long time. I could not find a way to reply in any of these areas under my username: Participated, Subscribed, My Threads.

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You'd need to use a different SMS app that has that feature. I use chompSMS.
Thank you. I took a look at Chomp. It seems to offer many features. Is it fairly easy to set up? If so, I'll give it a try.

I could not find any other way to reply here aside from editing my question a while ago, so most of this reply is now also pasted into my original question. This forum is so full of ads that each keystroke is painfully slow to display and clicking on a link results in a very long wait with the "twirly thing" twirling for a long time. Earlier I could not find a way to reply in any of these areas under my username: Participated, Subscribed, My Threads. It only became possible to reply after editing my question.

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