How does the fingerprint scanner unlock and lock screen notifications work


Well-known member
Mar 28, 2013
I have an S7 and I never really thought about the fingerprint scanner usability until I got a Moto Play Droid for work then I got a Moto G5 for my mother. They both make the S7 usability seem like Samsung didn't think it through. The Moto scanner, while a bit on the bulky side it just a LOT better, tap unlock, tap lock. There is no three steps to unlock, it just works. Does the S8 automatically unlock like this or do you still have to turn the screen on?

Another thing on the lockscreen is the notifications. On the moto if your screen is unlocked (smart lock) double tap a notification and it takes you right there, eazy peazy. On the S7 you have to tap and swipe if the screen is unlocked or tap and enter fingerprint. Does the S8 have the double tap to open or is it the same as the S7?

I never thought about this and thought that this was kind of a whiny complaint by others until I used it and found the S7 to have a terrible lock screen and fingerprint reader compared to others. Even my Note 8 on CM 12 has the same lock screen as my Moto, minus the fingerprint sensor. It almost makes me want to leave samsung because they seem to be lagging in the absolute basics, and that isn't the only thing that lags.
It no longer needs to be woken up to unlock. You just touch the finger print sensor and it unlocks. And you can double tap the notification icons on the always on display to take you straight to it.
Thanks. I am debating about getting the s8 but think I will wait to see what the note brings. This was actually something that would affect my decision

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