How exactly does the Quick Launch work?


Well-known member
Dec 3, 2009
I have A setup for AP Mobile, G for Gmail, B for Browser..etc..

when you are assigning them, it says "Search + A" for AP Mobile.. yet when I search for just "a" it brings up an entire content list of everything "A" on my device. I just want it to open AP Mobile.. can anyone explain how this process is supposed to work?
Hold the search key down while hitting the letter key of the program you want launched. When you just hit the search key it brings up the search text entry box. You don't want that. When you hold down the search key on the keyboard and then hit G for example it brings up Gmail right away.

Check out this site for tons more shortcuts and tips:
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yea, since i almost never use the physical keyboard, i usually find it easier to open the search box and type a couple letters of the app i'm looking for...
I do the same by using the search box it's much easier then the physical keyboard
Yea I have to agree. I either use the seach box or just click the folder with the app that I want in it. However, I have used the keyboard shortcuts if I happened to be using the keyboard for something. Typing a long email or some such.

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