I make my first application and can not understand sophisticated workflow in Google Play console - InternarTest, than Close Test, than Open Test and when my application is appears for everybody.
Currently I receive a lot of Google warning, this warning is idiotic and I can not accept it, for example
1. Make some elements of my application lager. I don't want doing it lager, for my opinions size of this item normal and useful. I don't want increase size of this small details options.
Can I fully ignore that warning? Or this warning prevent my application to going to next step? Prevent to publishing? Or Warning is not Error and I can ignore them?
Currently I receive a lot of Google warning, this warning is idiotic and I can not accept it, for example
1. Make some elements of my application lager. I don't want doing it lager, for my opinions size of this item normal and useful. I don't want increase size of this small details options.
Can I fully ignore that warning? Or this warning prevent my application to going to next step? Prevent to publishing? Or Warning is not Error and I can ignore them?