How much better will/should the Note 8 be with VR than Note 5 and later phones with the gear VR ?


Well-known member
Nov 14, 2016
I had read with the 4K screen the Note 8 was supposed to have a lot better resolution and be crisper than older Samsung phones with the Gear VR. I'm curious what some of you more technical wiz's have to say as how much better it will be or not.

Also wondering what the difference may be like regarding VR with a phone in 16:9 compared to the new 18:5:9 ratio. I wasn't sure if VR stuff was typically made for 16:9 in mind and if it would end up being weird with the new ratio.

Should the N8 be considerably better than previous phones for VR ?

Will the 18:5:9 ratio be better or worse for VR than 16:9 phones ?
Guess I'm a bit confused about the N8 screen and some of the tech stuff is a bit Greek to me.

Should the N8 be a night and day difference for VR or just slightly better textures and resolution?

I like a lot of the VR stuff on my N5, just some apps the visual quality is terrible, others are decent enough to enjoy it. Was curious what to expect with the N8 VR.
There was not that big of a difference to me between s7 and s8 on full res. The Note 8 should look the same as the s8.
I think the Note 5 was WQHD+ as well, 518 pixel density vs 521 on the Note 8.

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