How to view Notes on Galaxy S4?


New member
Sep 25, 2013
Hi there,

My problem is that I smashed the front screen on my galaxy s4, tried to repair, failed, broke digitzer so now I have NO LCD or digitizer .. it's just brushed aluminum now. However, the phone works fine!

I would like to view my notes and things on my galaxy, I have tried many options, such as:

- Samsung Kies; only offers main view points, e.g contacts media, etc
- Galaxy S4 to iPhone transfer (when I switched from iPhone to galaxy it transferred all notes as well, so I tried to do it vice versa). Failed. Nobody switches back to iPhone so there is no support/software that can find my notes, only main functionality. e.g contacts
- Browsed the phones content, found S Memo but not notes
- Made an attempt at viewing the screen through PC, failed. Need to download app on the phone.. without a screen first hahah

I have very important numerical data stored on the notes/memo section so I am desperately looking for support on how I can retrieve the notes. Please offer UK advice.