How will I get my updates on Note 5


Well-known member
Jun 8, 2011
I just bought a note 5 unlocked that was originally from t-mobile. I'm with AT&T, the phone works great but how will I be getting any software updates? From t-mobile or from AT&T? By the way I love this phone still competes with the newer models.
I had an unlocked s6 that came straight from samsung. They were so slow with them too. About 6-8 months after every one else had the updates. But mine was on a regional carrier so I can't say how the big 4 would handle it.
I just bought a note 5 unlocked that was originally from t-mobile. I'm with AT&T, the phone works great but how will I be getting any software updates? From t-mobile or from AT&T? By the way I love this phone still competes with the newer models.
If I remember correctly you need to have the sim from the original carrier to download the update. You can also manually flash it using the file from
If it's already upgraded to Nougat (Android 7), that's it - there probably won't be any further updates. If not, you'll eventually get Nougat from Samsung - maybe around the time the carriers are sending Oreo out - or later.

AT&T doesn't have the TMobile ROM, so they can't send it to you. And you're not a TMobile customer, so TMobile doesn't have you on their list. So it has to come from Samsung, and you'll probably have to request it manually from Settings.

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