HTC One M9 problem


AC Question

When I start my phone, once it boots I get these errors

Unfortunately, the process has stopped.

I have about .5 seconds after hitting 'OK' in which I am able to interact with apps that are already up, before the error pops up again. I cannot get to my homescreen or to any app that's already in my recents. I'm only able to access settings by dismissing the error, quickly doing a top down swipe to grab my quick settings,dismissing the error again and then going into settings, and then dismissing the error about 10 more times before accessing the settings that I want.

I've attempted clearing the cache from the bootloader screen, clearing each apps cache individually and clearing altogether.

I've been experiencing this issue for two full days. I've let the battery drain and charged to 100% before turning my phone on with no luck.

Another user mentioned a similar problem on the same phone. They did a factory reset and still cannot use their phone. The suggestion on the previous thread was 'Have you tried restarting your phone?' and yes. I have. Probably around 50 times over the past two days.

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