HTC One or Galaxy S4


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Oct 21, 2011
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i do know htc devices are memory hogs. my note 2 had plenty of free ram left even running touchwiz . but my wife's one x with 1gb ram has maybe 250-300mb free ram. sense is just a resource hog.

Love Divine

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Apr 24, 2011
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Definitely excited for March 14th to see what Samsung has in store. Since my EVO LTE is running strong, I'm gonna wait for reviews and hands-ons first. But several things so far:

If the leaks are true:
-Not too intrigued about the design of the SIV. The plastic again is just UGH
-Touchwiz is terrible imo. Same look since Gingerbread. Every core app is a different color with a completely different design. Menus are different colors. Tons of gimmicks on there. The "Inspired by Nature" thing really makes no sense from a design standpoint... I was like what? haha
-AMOLED screen is a big, big downside. Screen is very important to me, and the SLCD 3 in the One is clearly king right now.

On the HTC One:
-Love the design. Can't wait to hold one
-Loving the front facing speakers, IR Blaster and dual-lobed mic. Hoping that and the "Ultrapixel" camera deliver
-Sense 5 actually looks very sleek
-Non removable battery and lack of SD card are nonfactors for me

I'm on Sprint, so I'll have the choice luckily (Verizon... :( ). It'll come down to performance, form factor, screen, camera and battery life. Here's to hoping Sammy's got something sleek under its sleeve.


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Aug 13, 2010
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I actually looked at your screen name twice.

I think the real answer here is to wait till the Samsung reveal and the inevitable tech blog comparisons.

Agreed, which is why I said smooth3006 wrote the wisest post on this thread.

The reference to my screen name is that I personally prefer an SD card and a removable battery on my phone; features which the iPhone lacks. Thus, no no iPhone for me. But realistically, looking at the way the industry is going and the direction Google is taking Android, it would not surprise me if in a few years Android phones themselves will not feature SD cards and removable batteries. Unlike my wife, I may not like iPhones but Android phones may end up being a whole lot more like them.


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Oct 21, 2011
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ive pretty much made the decision that im going to try out both the htc one and the s4. i assume the one will be out sooner, so ill buy it and if i don't like it ill return or sell it. i know not everyone is in a financial position to do that but for me i think it's the best bet. hell ill still get a good $400+ for my note 2 so it's not like ill be loosing that much cash anyways.


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Aug 2, 2010
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I think the take-away from all this is just this: no one but you can answer the question "Which phone is right for me?"

Some people don't care about removable battery, some don't care about the plastic "feel" of the phone. It really comes down to priorities (what's important to you) and how you use your phone. HTC phones, historically, definitely feel better in the hand. Personally, I always use a case, so the plastic feel of a Samsung doesn't really bother me, since I never touch the actual back of the phone. And a removable battery isn't really a big deal for me, but some apps I use regularly require quite a bit of storage, so I really prefer an SD card. Especially since I tend to root and tinker and an SD is pretty much a requirement for NAND backups and such.

That said, that's *my* usage. Your mileage may very.

I think "which phone is better" is the wrong question. What you should really be asking is "which features do I need?"

That should be your starting point. Because even if 1,000 people tell you phone X is better than phone Y, if phone X doesn't have the features you need, you will never be happy with it. It's a question of "which phone is better for me?" and only you can answer that question.


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Nov 14, 2012
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I currently have an iPhone 5 and a Samsung Galaxy S2. I definitely prefer the size and feel of the iPhone and love the features on the SGS2. The SGS2 is on its last legs at the moment, poor work phone that it is, so I will be upgrading to a new phone within the next couple of months.

It looks like I will either go for the SGS4 or the HTC One but as proper complete specs and reviews are not forthcoming yet, for obvious pre-launch reasons, I shall reserve judgement until both phones have launched and are available to play with in store.

Just going on the looks, I love the look of the HTC One over the purported 'leaked' photos of the SGS4. Of course, I won't know for definite exactly what the phone looks like until the unveiling but prima facie I do prefer the aluminium body and shape of the HTC One to the plastic shell and curves of the SGS4.

My SGS2 is rooted and I do like the SD card function for extra storage. I don't have a replacement battery preferring to have a battery pack that I take with me that will charge either my SGS2 or my iPhone, so removable battery is not a concern. However, the HTC is available in 64Gb which would be plenty enough for me in any case so the SD card slot might not be a big deal.

At the moment, I am on the fence.


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Nov 14, 2012
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The leaked video on the front page seem to show dual sim capabilities. That would allow me to condense two phones into one, so that might be a complete winner for me. I could sell both phones and just get one only if both sim cards could be active at the same time. I shall be watching this launch with very great interest now.


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Oct 25, 2012
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You are correct removable battery and external storage availability are personal preferences. That's why I'd go with S4 until Note 3 comes out ;)

Fair choice, but I have never felt the need for an SD card, even when I had three TWRP backups on my phone. Plus, HTC's build quality is orgasmic, and infinitely superior feeling compared to Samsung's (almost as durable) cheap feeling offerings.

Sent from my One X using Android Central Forums


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May 17, 2012
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The GS4 is rumored to have SwiftKey capability avaliable.

Assuming the GS4 specs pan out later today, I would rather have the performance, features and speed rather than a fancy wrapper. HTC makes a very competitive product but from a substantive perspective, it may be lagging. I plan on putting a Defender case on mine. I have been very pleased with how the GS3 feels in the hand, case or not.

At the end of the day, it is all about personal preference and what "works" best for you. I am definitely ready "4" for it.

Sent From My Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 Tablet


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Jan 13, 2011
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Fair choice, but I have never felt the need for an SD card, even when I had three TWRP backups on my phone. Plus, HTC's build quality is orgasmic, and infinitely superior feeling compared to Samsung's (almost as durable) cheap feeling offerings.

Sent from my One X using Android Central Forums

I have to agree HTC hardware is outstanding not sure about being orgasmic but to each his own. As beautiful as the HTC ONE is, for my personal preference omitting SD card is a deal breaker. My music library is extensive and I am a digital hoarder so I want my stuff with me including photos I took with my BB 8320! I guess it's great to have choices and we debate which choice is better. This is an example of first world problems.


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Dec 7, 2012
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Fair choice, but I have never felt the need for an SD card, even when I had three TWRP backups on my phone. Plus, HTC's build quality is orgasmic, and infinitely superior feeling compared to Samsung's (almost as durable) cheap feeling offerings.

Sent from my One X using Android Central Forums

SD cards are useless to me. I have a 500 GB external HD dedicated to all my multimedia so whether I have 32 or 64 on my phone makes no difference at all in actual practice because it's like a splash in a bucket. When they release 500GB SD Cards, then I'll care. This phone didn't impress me at all, Samsung have proven now that their future business plan now rests with being like the iPhone and launched what would be more suitably named the Galaxy S3s - nothing really new here except a spec refresh of the S3 and a few gimmicks of dubious real use value.

The initial impressions all across the internet have ranged from lukewarm to underwhelmed. Even the Lumia 920 on MS's struggling WP8 OS seems to have received more positive review impressions which is pretty telling.


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Jan 25, 2011
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Here is how I put it: chip sets and screens aren't the top priority since basically all of these things have been maxed out, sure it can get a little better but it wont be that noticeable. The outside is becoming more important than the insides, and the HTC one wins the trophy of the best looking phone of all time. It gets a little more difficult with the software but htc sense wins me over in being more professional. SO... wheres that red and black htc one? (it would look so awesome)


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Apr 9, 2010
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Hmm, tough choice, but after reviewing the specs, I think the S4 is my next phone. The SD card is absolutely necessary for the apps coming down the pipe that I want to use. I regularly put movies, music, and photos on my phone, so the external capability is key. I also tend to go a few days without access to a charger. I have found removable/replacable batteries can keep me in touch.

I could care less about the astehtics. all about the utility. I think the S4 will pack the bigger punch in that arena. My current contract is up next month. So the timing should work out pretty well too.


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Oct 9, 2010
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Every time I read a post where the guy is Swearing he won't buy a phone without a removable battery or micro sd slot, it reminds me of the Old timers that would say,,. I refuse to buy a car that Doesn't come with the carburetor. And your stupid if you buy a car with a computer chip in it, because you can't work on em. AKA none since


Well-known member
Jun 24, 2011
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Did htc do away with their crappy multitasking issue? That was working as intended. I hope so. Then I might get a one.

Sent From My Samsung Galaxy SIII

Eric Kane

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Sep 13, 2011
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The vitriol being spewed over the Galaxy S4 is extremely amusing. Yes, the HTC One is more than likely going to feel better in the hand. While that plays a big part, I'm inclined to think that what my phone can actually -do- means a tad bit more. It seems to me that the improvements made to the S4 from a hardware standpoint are being grossly overlooked. The battery of the HTC One has been reported to be on par with the Droid DNA. I've used the DNA and while it wasn't god awful, it wasn't that great, either. The S4 has made a pretty large jump in the battery department, one in which, coupled with the Octa Core Exynos, could be a big difference maker. That is a huge, huge part of how we judge a phone and I've rarely seen anyone even mention this advantage for the S4. The Octa Core Exynos on it's own is an exciting prospect, especially since the benchmarks looked extremely impressive at 1.8ghz. I would imagine underclocking it is only going to aid the battery and still provide world-beating performance. While it hasn't been tested yet to see the quality, the camera has the potential to be extremely good given the software accompanying it. Storage is still a massive advantage given the microSD support. Global LTE support, if it means I can grab an international version with the Octa Core Exynos and use it with AT&T LTE, is going to be a really huge deal for a lot of people.

So then it really boils down to screen (pentile) and the plastic build. Half the people that complain about pentile complain because they hear other people complain. "It'll be grainy" is so damn hilarious. This wasn't much of an issue at 720p; unless you've got a microscope you use to look at your screen all the time, you're not going to notice it on this 1080p display. If you don't like AMOLED (I actually prefer SLCD3), then that's cool, but don't throw the pentle thing in there. It's ridiculous. When it comes to build quality, there is no question that the HTC One feels more premium. Part of that is the unibody design that doesn't allow for a removable battery. Not a big deal to some; point of contention for me. I don't care how good my phone looks if I can't use it all day.

There's nothing wrong with preferring the HTC One, but the fact that the S4 has garnered all this hate is astounding. It's literally people who choose to forget the huge improvements in both hardware and software and think because it's plastic that it sucks. I've chosen my horse in this race because Samsung caters to what I need; easy rooting, the world's largest dev support for Android, battery life, and functionality all while keeping pace/surpassing in other key areas. The Galaxy is definitely in iPhone territory now; hated for the sake of hating.

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