HTC Supersonic


Feb 19, 2010
Recently, since Sprint has failed to announce anything about this phone at CES or MWC, I have been looking for any info I could on this phone. I have found some tid bits of information that I think will be able to help those waiting and hoping to upgrade to this phone in the coming months. Number one would be that Sprint is planning on making an announcement about this phone at CTIA in a month. The reason I suspect this is because it is the last "mobile" conference for a couple of months, and in the past it has been the place sprint has announced it's past handsets (Samsung Instinct, Palm Pre). So expect to hear some information about this device, and the HTC Incredible (most likely) at CTIA. While searching for a release date for the phone I came across an article which pretty much gives it away.

Sprint Says First 4G Handset Will Launch By Summer ? Velocity -

As most of you may know the HTC Supersonic is said to be wimax (4G) capable. So based on that article we can speculate the handset to come during the summer (I'm hoping for June). Also another indication that the device will be announced at CTIA is this article, which shows Sprint giving a keynote on the second day of CTIA.
International CTIA WIRELESS 2010

Unfortunately this is all the information I could find on this device, if anyone has anymore info please feel free to share it in the comments.


Well-known member
Feb 5, 2010
i can't wait for this. this is the reason I stay with sprint besides that its the least expensive. and i get good bars. but the 4g wimax is what its all about.


Active member
Feb 20, 2010
I'm psyched for this although my area doesn't have Wimax, but a Twitter is set up and says "coming soon" so I have hope!


New member
Jan 13, 2010
I sell sprint phones and my sprint rep was in today and said that the first 4G phone will indeed be the HTC Supersonic. He was not told weather or not it would be an Android phone but I think the chances of it being a windows mobile phone are pretty slim at this point.

Also he said that 4G should be in the boston/cape area by end of the year.


Feb 13, 2010
My main problem with the Supersonic is that Sprint's 4G coverage is nonexistent in my area and understandably anemic nationwide, so as a 4G phone it will essentially be a 3G phone for me and for most of us. I do like the rumored specs on the phone, though.