HydraKernal Help


Well-known member
Feb 5, 2011
I was hoping someone could help me out. I am pretty new to the rooting of android phones. Anyway i rooted using unrevoked, i made a backup using rom manager and have flashed a few different roms. Currently i am using the stock froyo rom with all the bloatware removed. I am only using the stock rom b/c i have become so accustomed to it and used to the way everything is on stock. But what i did want to do is flash a kernal so i could mess around with overclocking. I tried hydra kernal but the only ones that work are #4 and the stock undervolted kernal. The others seem to be "empty" downloads if that makes sense. The file downloads but it is only something like 900kb. If i click on it i get an invalid zip message. And when i try to load it through recovery it aborts b/c it can't read the zip. I was hoping someone maybe had a copy of overclocked v1.113ghz (#3) laying around on they're pc. And if not any suggestions for stable kernels i could try for a stock rom?

Please & thanks :)

1st post but i've been lurking for a while

thanks alot. i did indeed find that faq/sticky thread before i made my post. unfortunately the link to the hydra kernals is essentially a link to they're official site. so its the exact same downloads. 954kb of useless :mad:

maybe i'll try a different kernel :cool:
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You're right. I just clicked on it and it said 9.79 MB but only downloaded 954k. I'll post to trey to update the link.

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