I <3 my Epic


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Feb 4, 2011
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i know i'm gonna risk sounding like a little school girl with a crush but i'm really beginning to love my epic. at first i missed my blackberry...i was used to it and it was easier for me. then i was wondering if i should get the evo but after reading on the forums and finding out all the little tips and tricks to get my phone the way i wanted for me...i love my epic. i downloaded apps like shootme, handcent sms, beautiful widgets, and others and my phone is customized so nice for me. i even learned the touchwiz and now i'm able to have the home row icons set up the way i want. and with juice defender and all the battery life saving/ extending tips my battery has been amazing! i know that launcher pro is supposed to be way better than the touchwiz but right now touchwiz works for me (unless someone can point me in the direction of launcher pro plus as i hear it has lots of customizations...i dont mind buying it). even though i've only been on these forums a couple of days i want to say thanks to everyone who made a sticky forum of useful information and videos and anyone who answered my noob questions!!


Well-known member
Oct 9, 2010
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There is not a separate download for the plus so you won't find it in the market. If I remember correctly, launcher pro is launcher pro plus. You download the free version. There is a link in the settings That offers the upgrade. pay the cost and they will give you the unlock code. After entering the code all the features are unlocked. Really very simple.
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